CHAPTER 15 : 2 years

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"Come on darling, we're gonna be late." shouted Gregory from the corridor. Mycroft finally came down the stairs. "Late for what ? Aren't we going to the restaurant ?" he asked, suspiciously.
"Yeah sure, but I've made a reservation." replied his partner quickly. The auburn was still looking at him oddly but didn't add anything. They both exited the house and climbed in Greg's car.
"Where are we going ? Why haven't we take my car ?" questioned the official.
Lestrade looked rather uncomfortable for a short moment before putting himself together again. "You are even worse than your son ! Can't you just wait till we get there and behave like a grown up and not like a 5-years-old in front of his Christmas presents ?" he laughed.
The car was leaving the centre of London and reached the highway. "Seriously dear, I'm quite sure there is no restaurant except aBurger King where you are taking me ..." remarked Holmes.
"Shut up or I'll muzzle you." snapped his partner, changing lane.
"I'd like you to try that ..." giggled the auburn. "Seriously, where are you bringing me ?"
The detective grabbed a blindfold in his door and threw it to his boyfriend. "Shut up.". Mycroft put it on, starting to understand that he had been fooled and that he was probably not going to any kind of restaurant.
It takes 30 minutes more before they reached their destination. The inspector exited the car and grabbed the suit case he had put in the boot the evening before when his lover wasn't watching. Mycroft was trying to get out of the car but the blindfold was annoying him and despite all the amusement that it was bringing to him, Greg came to help him. Leading him by the hand and pulling the suitcase with his other hand, they exited the carpark.
"Can I take off this blindfold now darling?" asked the official.
"No, not yet." replied the other one, bringing his partner into Heathrow airport hall. "5 more minutes."
Making their way through the crowded hall, the two men reached the airline registration desk. "Come on, you can put it down now." smiled the detective to his boyfriend. The latter undone the knot of the blindfold and noticed where he was. "An airport ? Gregory ! What the hell is that ?" he exclaimed, amazed.
"Look up you idiot !" laughed the detective, gesturing toward the screen above the desk.
The auburn read the destination wrote on it. "Venezia ? Oh Great Scott !". He hugged his lover and kissed him on the lips with passion. "You know I love you, don't you ?" he whispered to his ear. "I love you too, you little idiot. Happy two years." the DI whispered back. Holding hands, they checked in and boarded the plane. Greg had booked two first class tickets, and they were served champagne before even they took off.

The two men entered the hall of the Baglioni Hotel on Piazza San Marco.It was the first time the detective entered such a palace and he was absolutely amazed by the lobby's decoration, and even Mycroft, who was used to palaces and posh places, was impressed. They reached the reception and were greeted by a tall blonde with a huge smile.
"Hello sirs, can I do something for you ?" she asked.
"Yes, actually I've booked a room in the name of Lestrade." Greg answered with a shy smile.
"Yes I see, suite Tiziano for two night isn't it ? I'll have someone lead you to it.". She made a sign and a young black man approached with a luggages' trolley. "Francesco, can you lead these gentlemen to the suite Tiziano please ?". The man nodded and put the suitcase on the trolley. "If you care to follow me please" he added to the two other men.
They followed him in to the lift then through the corridors before entering a sumptuous room with a view on the Venetian lagoon. The black man give them a room tour before going out and closing the door, after advising them to call the reception if they had any requests.
Mycroft flipped his boyfriend on the bed. "You bastard ! You've planned all that without even telling me anything...". He kissed him.
"Anthea helped me. I had to make sure you could have three days off. But you didn't think that I was just going to bring you to the restaurant for our two years !" replied the detective.
"That's why I have the best partner in the world." He kissed him again with passion,rubbing his hand in his lover's hair. They cuddled on the bed for more than half an hour before Greg raised to his feet. "Come on love, let's go and have dinner."
The auburn sorted out his messy suit and hair, putting back the tie he had removed while cuddling. The two of them stepped out on the Piazza San Marco making their way through the crowd, Greg had a reservation at Met, a restaurant with a garden with a view on the lagoon. It wasn't far from the Hotel where they were staying but it takes them more than 15 minutes to reach edit because they stopped every few meters to admire the city they were both enjoying for the first time.

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