CHAPTER 96 : All kinds of fluids

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"I still really wonder what we have done to deserve that ... Haven't we  be the most effective division of the Yard this year ?" grumbled  Gregory, biting in his hot dog.
"They want to keep us earth grounded ?" suggested Sally, amused at the sight of her boss lack of any kind of motivation.
"Paperwork  keep me grounded tank you very much. But this ? Patrolling, on a New  Year eve ? I'm going to kill Jameson." snapped the detective, definitely  not in the mood.
"I'd love to see that." chuckled the young woman. "However, as we are stuck here until six, lets at least do something no ?"
"I  swear if anyone vomits on me I'll arrest them. I've been pucked on  enough this year not to start the new year with someone's fluids all  over me." the inspector warned before restarting the engine and sloping  in the traffic.
Due to a huge epidemic of influenza many detectives  had been summoned to patrol the streets on this New Year eve where, like  every year, the police presence was higher than on any other night. It  was the first time in more than twenty year Greg was summoned to this  kind of duty and he was not liking  it a bit, knowing way to well the kind of people he would encounter all  night long and despite being paired with Sally, someone he had full  trust in to back him up, he couldn't see many positives aspects to the  night. He was thinking about Mycroft who was at home with Alden and  Molly, whom  parents had left the city a couple of days earlier, but he quickly  discarded the image, not willing to put himself in an even worse mood.
"To  all patrol in Soho, an incident had been reported in Golden Square  involving two teenagers." the radio jerked as they were stuck in the  traffic on regent street.
"Yankee X-ray Three Seven, put us priority  on this one." replied the detective, turning the blue lights on,  instantly parting the traffic in two more or less disorganised line,  giving him the space to go through the endless traffic.
"Alright  Yankee W-ray Three Seven. We don't have more information and don't know  if weapons could be involved." accepted the Central as was Gregory  turning on Beak Street than Upper John Street despite the fact the lanes  being only one way and not his, making most of the other drivers insult  him through their window.
"Help the population they will be grateful they said." he chuckled, pulling off outside of the park.
The  fight was happening between two clearly drunk young woman in the middle  of the park and as they entered the premise another young lady dashed  to them, a huge scratch on her face.
"They can't be parted ! I didn't knew what to do so I called 999." she explained, panicked.
"It's  alright, you've done the right thing, we're going to take care of  that." Sally reassured her. "Can you just tell us if they have any kind  of weapons ?"
"No. No, we were just out for the night y'know ... But they have long nails ..." denied the girl.
"Police, stop and show us your hands !" demanded the detective as the two police officers were approaching the fight.
The  girls seemed not to even heard what they were asked and were still  scratching and punching each other, most of the hits missing their goals  because of the high level of alcohol in their blood. The inspector  placed himself behind one of the two teenager while his colleague was  taking position behind the other. The yarder nodded to Donovan and rapidly they both dragged away their girl, wrapping their arms around the young girls  torso, blocking them from hitting, even if, all to their anger, they  still tried to punch the officers with their clocked arms and their  legs. After having hit twice by the girl stilettos, Sally started to get  very bored with the girl's attitude and tackled her on the ground to  handcuff her and strap her legs with a velcro  strip. Letting the young woman yelling insults on the floor she then  managed to help her boss who was still holding his teenager. A minute  later she was strapped as her friend, sat far enough not to be able to  try to punch her while the two officers were awaiting the police van  which would bring them to custody to the nearest police station.
"Do you want me to examine this scratch ?" Sally proposed to the third girl who was looking rather lost.
"No don't worry, it's alright." refused the teenager with a thankful smile.
"Have  you got somewhere to go ?" the policewoman wondered, not really willing  to let a 16 years old wander around on herself when there was so many  drunk people around.
"Yeah, I've got some pals who told me they were  at the Rumba on the corner between Shaftesbury and Rupert street."  replied the young woman.
"Do you want a lift ?" offered Greg while  the van was parking outside from the park and two other officers were  entering the park.
"I didn't knew the police were also a cab service." grinned the girl. "But if you propose, yes, I'd prefer that please."
"Okay,  one minute." nodded the detective, grabbing one of the shouting girl  from the floor and trying to move her despite the fact she was  completely unable to walk.
It took them five more minutes to have the  two girls locked in the back of the van and the papers signed for their  custody than the two officer brought the last teenager to the pub she  had indicated to them, recommending her to be careful and wishing her a  good evening. They weren't even on Charing Cross road that they received  another call from the Central.
"The Palace Theatre front desk have  called because a bunch of men are urinating on their door and they don't  want to move." the radio jerked.
"Yankee X-Ray Three Seven, we take the call." replied Sally, looking at her colleague in disbelief.
"This city will never disappoint me ..." the detective chuckled.
"Alright Yankee X-Ray Three Seven. I hope you have some boots ..." the guys from the central retorted.
Gregory  parked the car on the pavement, immediately acknowledging the six men  urinating all over the theatre's facade. The two police officers  approached the group of lads, all in their twenties and all heavily  drunk.
"Oy  ! You may not like Shakespeare but what you are doing here could cost  you a night at the station and a 500 quids fine each so you'd better  find some public toilets." the inspector warned.
"And who are you ?" one of the guys snapped, trying to focus his look on the policeman but having great issues doing so.
"Santa  freaking Klaus." sighed the yarder. "What do I look like ?  Detective-Inspector Lestrade, Scotland Yard. Now you'd better scatter  away and make sure not to make anything else to attract police attention  or I'll arrest the six of you and make sure you spend a very bad  night."
Finally, realizing who they were facing the lads decided that  it was probably wiser to run away. Two guys from the theatre front desk  who had followed the entire intervention stepped out of the venue,  looking rather displeased at the view of the mess the lads had made but  relieved they were nowhere to be seen anymore.
"Thank you officers." nodded one of them, shaking Greg's hand.
"No problem. It's our pleasure." smiled the detective, not quite sure he was really pleased with his evening.
"Actually I'm more sorry for those who gonna have to clean this mess ..." remarked Donovan.
"I suppose it won't be the first time ..." sighed the second guy with a sad smile.
"Ok, good evening guys and if there is anything else, don't hesitate." chuckled the DI before going back to his car.
They  went on patrolling around, listening to music and occasionally opening  their window to shout at a kid who was walking in the middle of the  street or to another on trying to enter a strip club until they received  a new call from the Central informing them that they were needed at  Marble Arch were a bunch of kid had had their hands on fireworks and were starting to light them up, an activity strictly prohibited in the park.
They  were seizing the said fireworks when the real one's started lightening  up the London sky, marking the passing to the new year. They  all interrupted what they were doing during a minute to appreciate the  show before Greg remembered what they were supposed to be doing and  finished confiscating the prohibited articles, only giving a verbal  notification to the kids not to try it again. After all it was a  celebration night and the detective was in no mood to bring a bunch of  13 years old to the police station for something he himself had done  several years earlier, his only luck being not to live in London at the  time. He was walking back to the vehicle with the fireworks bag in his  hands when he felt his phone buzzing with texts, the first of it being a  selfie from Mycroft, Alden and Molly, the little boy caring a sign  reading 'Happy New Year Papa'. He sighed at the idea of having yet six  hours on duty to go and climbed back in the car, thinking that he really  haven't missed the time when he was patrolling the streets everyday before he became a detective.

Yawning,  the yarder opened the front door, trying to be as discreet as possible  not to wake up the house inhabitant. It was nearly six and a half  in the morning and he was looking forward to crawling in his bed, not  even having to take a shower as he had use those from the station to b  sure not to make any unneeded noise when being back at home. He was bent  to take off his shoes when he felt a presence behind him and turned on  his heel to face a smiling Mycroft carrying a tray with a couple of hot  and creamy chocolate cup and some ginger and cinnamon biscuits.
"Happy  New Year honey." the auburn wished him, managing to peck him on the  cheek without spilling any of the chocolate on the floor.
They made  their way to the living room and curled up in one of the couches, near  the fireplace, each of them holding a warm cup in their hands, Greg's  head on the elder Holmes shoulder.
"Aldy  wanted to wait for you but he felt asleep at four." the official told  his partner in an amused tone after a few minutes of silence.
"How was the evening ?" wondered the detective after drinking a sip of the clearly perfect chocolate.
"Better  than yours that's for sure. From what I know it's been a night of  fluids of all sorts and pity fights, am I right ? Here it was ... calmer  ?" the official chuckled lightly. "No, it was lovely. Good food,  fireworks and the first two films of The lord of the Ring trilogy."
"All I can say about my night is that stilettos should be considered as class A weapons. Six officers in hospital because of it and even Sally take a couple of bad hits." laughed the policeman.
"Oh poor Gregory ... Do yo want a magic kiss ?" Mycroft proposed.
"If so, my all body is in pain." grinned the detective before placing a soft-chocolaty kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

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