CHAPTER 149 : Head of government

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Mycroft was pacing round his study at the Cabinet Office, reading over and over the last paragraph of a telegram he had just received. Of course, he thought to himself, it was a situation he had seen coming for weeks but to face it now was a complete different situation, especially with the general elections coming in so few weeks. Preoccupied, he tried to reach the cup of tea rested on his desk but missed it and the cup smashed on the floor.

"Bollocks !" he cried out before shooting in the china's remaining, regretting as soon as the liquid it once had contained spilled into his left shoe, dampening his sock.

Hearing her boss' distress from the other side of the door, Anthea rushed in the study, concerned something really bad could have happened to him. Seeing the cup on the floor she simply sighed in her head and grab the nearest phone to call the standards to send them a cleaner.

Suddenly, without a word, the official stormed out of the room, leaving his assistant alone. He walked down the four floors of the office, not responding to the salute of the people he was nearly walking through and reached a small, unpeculiar looking door. He grabbed a small key in his pocket and, looking around him to see if anyone could see him, disappeared behind the wood panel.

He now was walking quickly through a dark, cold and humid tunnel, nervously playing with the ring on his left hand. In normal times, he would have announced his visit but the situation had put him in such an internal rage that he had forgotten all about the etiquette.

The elder Holmes finally reach another door, marking the end of the tunnel, and using the same key as on the other side, he entered a little stair case. He quickly climbed the first two floor and took the exit door on his right, not even bothering knocking on the door, directly entering the Prime Minister's 10 Downing Street's office. Thankfully enough, the prime minister was alone and not holding any fragile object as he didn't expect any visit through that door.

"Mr Holmes ! What in Gods name are you doing here !" the head of government outburst, more than surprised by this sudden apparition.

"I return you the question." the auburn retorted, throwing the telegram he had been holding all that time on the other man's desk.

"What is that ?" Peter Bowling wondered, still visibly angry.

"Read it." Mycroft simply responded. "Read it out loud."

"Lucas Benett, Washington ..." the Prime Minister started.

"Cut it off to the last paragraph please." the official interrupted him harshly.

"All the proofs we have been able to gather proves right the assumption that some secrets, regarding especially our army and economy, have been sold at high prices to the United States government. Furthers investigations have allowed us to identify three main sources in the person of Sir Alistair Elliott, ambassador of the British Monarchy in Washington, Sir Peter Bowling, Prime Minister, and Mrs Elisabeth Norton, assistant to this last gentleman, even though it seems that she wasn't aware that those secrets weren't to be shared, only obeying to her superior." the man read, more and more horrified as he was going on.

"What have you got to answer to this ?" the politician wondered furiously.

"What is this bullshit about ? Where did you get that ? What are the proofs they are talking about ?" the Prime Minister cried out, confusedly.

"It's a very official telegram of our MI6 supervisor in Washington as you know it perfectly. It happens that his team have been investigating around some leaks of British secrets since last June when a very secret information about our army presence in Afghanistan ended up on the front page of the New-York Times." the auburn explained with an unpleasant smirk.

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