CHAPTER 14 : Baking and Solving

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The kitchen's floor was a complete mess, flour all over it. Alden was sat on the worktop, his hands in the pastry's bowl, Mycroft adding some new ingredients while his son was kneading the paste. Gregory had his head in the fridge, looking for the butter. They were all wearing aprons and the two men had rolled their sleeves to their elbows but it was still not enough to prevent the three of them to be covered in splashes.
"Are you sure we have butter darling ?" asked Greg,the head still in the fridge.
"Yes, Michael told me so ... Have you looked everywhere ?" retorted the auburn, trying to prevent his son from swing the bowl to the ground.
"Ah ! Here it is !"said the detective half a minute later. He gave the butter to his boyfriend who cut it into pieces and poured it into the bowl.
Itwas the first time they were cooking together and surprisingly, evenif Mycroft was usually not good at cooking, he was surprisingly good at baking and seems to take a great pleasure at it.
It was a bright and sunny Sunday morning of July and the official thought that this could look a little like holidays, as once again, he couldn't take any this year in contrary of his partner who was starting his two-weeks summer holidays in a week.
The cake was now in the oven and the two men were cleaning the mess when the auburn grabbed a handful of flour and thrown it to his lover. The later quickly replied and the three of them launch an epic food battle, throwing all what they could find one to another and putting even more mess in the kitchen.
After10 minutes of this game, they had nothing left to play with and they were all grimy, despite the aprons. Mycroft grabbed his son and his lover's hand and lead the two of them to the bathroom upstairs. The three of them undressed and entered the bathtub together , still very excited of the food battle and splashing water all around the bathroom.
When they had ripped off all the filth they were covered in, Greg put on a white bathrobe and exited the bathroom carrying his son in a light green towel. He placed him on the four-poster's bed while he went to the baby's room and picked him a jeans overall, a white T-shirt and some underwear. When he came back to his own room, his partner was sat on the bed beside the toddler tickling him to make him laugh. The official was only wearing a towel around his hips, his chest still glowing of the remaining water drops he didn't had swept away.
The official took the little boy's clothes from the hands of his boyfriend and dressed Alden up while Gregory was getting dressed in a beige shorts and white short sleeve shirt.Mycroft handled him the baby now dressed and made his way to the dressing room, his wet feet letting shining marks on the flooring.

TheDI was looking at his tea mug absent mindly. He had no interesting case for the past three weeks and he was desperate to have any great one before his holidays. He couldn't deal with more teenagers running away and murders who turns out to be suicides. He had been stuck forall the morning in his little office filling paperworks and he was feeling really bored when Donovan entered the room. She was carrying a police report and thrown it to her boss.

"Lizzie Bruna-Rosso, 16. Found at Battersea a couple of hours ago by the Met who send it to us." she explained.

"And where is she now ?" inquired the detective.

"Still in Battersea. The Met didn't want to move her before we investigate the scene. It's a bit ... peculiar." she replied, gesturing toward the file. "And disgusting."

The inspector opened the report on the picture of the crime scene the Met had took a couple of hours earlier. The body seems to have been cut in pieces and disseminated on a rather large area. It was disgusting but at least that was definitly not a suicide.

"We are going" he said, closing the file and grabbing his phone.

"You are not calling Him ?"Sally asked in disbelief.

Her boss didn't answered and just composed the consulting detective number.

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