CHAPTER 177 : A very senior guide

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It was the last Sunday morning before school and the elder Holmes, as  always eager to please his children, had taken his morning off from all  work duty to surprise them with a last summer treat. They were all sat  at the back of the black Jaguar, swiftly driven around London by the  man's new driver, their destination being a surprise to the two kids.

As they pass before Blackfiars  bridge, Mycroft pulled out two black blinds from one of his jacket's  pocket and encouraged his daughter and son to put them on to insure  their compete surprise. The little ones were starting to get use to the  kind of things their father could do for them and as always, they were  both really excite and quite anxious as what would the surprise be.

The  car stopped ten minutes later in front of a modern and imposing  building and the politician helped his blindfolded children to get out  of the car without stumbling. The  neighbourhood was relatively peaceful despite the sun which was not  unusual as the place was mainly occupied by offices and schools. Giving  one of his hands to each of his children, the official directed them to a  large door on the ground floor of the impressive building.

Being  tall as the elder Holmes was rarely an advantage when trying to walk  hand in hand with a child, but when this child was blind in addition, it  proven to be pretty impossible. It took them nearly five minutes and  many giggles to reach the door, barely managing not to have anyone hurt  from falling on the floor as a result of not seeing their own feet.

"Holmes, I have an appointment at 10.30." he rang the intercom near the door before being let in.

Mycroft  helped the two kids navigate their way through the doors and corridors  before making them stand still in what looked like a reception and  allowing them to take off their blinds. As soon as they retrieved their  vision, both of them started spinning slowly on themselves,  contemplating what was around them.

It was Alden who saw the sign  first. A huge emblem of Scotland Yard on one of the walls, alongside  the signs of all the other London's police department. Having started to  read despite his young age, he was able to decipher the words written  underneath and beamed.

"London police museum." he read out, a large smile spread across his face.

"I've heard you are something of a detective yourself, aren't you ?" the official chuckled, patting his son on the head.

"Detective is only if you have been to the police academy the commissioner said." the little boy denied, still looking around him with wide eyes. "Or maybe if you are uncle Sherlock."

"Maybe you will be one, one day ?" the politician nodded, happy to see that both his children seemed to appreciate the surprise.

"I will be commissioner one day." the child approved with self-confidence.

The  museum was usually closed on Sundays but as always, Mycroft had pulled  some strings to arrange a private visit of the place. The Minister of  State for policing and the fire service had been in debt to him for  quite a long time after the elder Holmes had helped him get out of a  pending investigation over his misuse of personal and professional email  services and this special opening was just a part of him repaying what  he owed.

Being one of the man holding the most power in the realm  and being trusted with so many secrets had made Mycroft a very powerful  man and if nothing was ever free, even to him, many important people  holding considerable powers were still in debt to him and were looking  for a way to repay him. It wasn't proper blackmail, the elder Holmes  despised that kind of behaving, but many of the ministers would need his  help again in the future and knew that if they wanted to be served  again, they should probably pay back what they already owed. Every  thing, in the end, is always done for something else and Mycroft knew it  more than anyone.

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