CHAPTER 98 : Why is there a fucking pony in my living room ?

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Alden was running around his father, trying to hit him with a foam  sword, Mycroft dodging every move at the last instant, faking to be  really panicked by the assault he was under. After a couple of minute of  this little game he finally let the little boy hit him and faked dying  pompously.
"Tu quoque, mi fili ..." he sighed pretentiously, falling on his knee, making the child giggled greatly.
"You re rubbish at dying !" he chuckled, hitting the man with the foam sword once again.
"Hey,  you can't say to people they are rubbish, that's rude." tutted the  official. "And moreover I've died the death of Julius Caesar !"
"Can I  have the sword so I can see if Papa die better than you ?" wondered the  little boy, smiling the hugest smile he was able to give in order to  convince his father.
"Yes, yes of course you can have it, you can  have whatever you want ..." the elder Holmes grinned, absolutely unable  to say no to his son when it came to amusement. He was trying to give  the toddler some boundaries and not let him do all he wanted and  believed he was quite successful on some points, especially on courtesy  and well-behaving in front of people, but on some subject he was just  unable to say no, to Gregory's greatest despair.
"All I want ?" questioned the child, not believing what he just have heard.
"Yes. But don't tell Papa or we will both be scolded." winked the auburn.
"Can I have a pony than ?" tried Alden, wondering if his father's generosity would come to that extent.
"Well  darling, I'm not sure they have pony here but we could have a look if  you want." proposed Mycroft while his son was jumping in his arms and  wrapping his arms around the official's neck.
"I love you Daddy." the boy whispered into his father's ear.
"So do I little man." replied the auburn, kissing him gently on the forehead. "Now, lets go look for a pony !"
As  the traditional man he was, Mycroft had brought his son to the oldest  toy store in London, Hamley's and even if they had been here for more  than an hour they still haven't even been around the seven floors of the  shop. Even as a grown up, the elder Holmes couldn't stay stony if front  of the magical world created around him. He was surely near of his  fifties but everytime  he stepped a toe in this shop, he was five years old again, completely  awed before the life-size stuffed elephant of the first floor and the  pedal cars of the fifth floor.
He himself had come here when he was a  child, not that often although as Mr and Mrs Holmes weren't exactly  found of toys, but he was granted a visit for nearly each of his  birthday from the age of four to the age of twelve and even if the  products sells in the store had changed quite a lot for most of them in  the past years, the feeling was still the same and the official would  try to come as often as he could, taking any excuses to bring Alden as  an alibi for his own entertainment. In fact, he was coming often enough  to have Greg joking about the fact that he may have a secret office  hidden in the store's basement, an allegation to which the elder Holmes  had of course retorted that his office weren't in the basement but in  the fake medieval castle of the third floor.

"Excuse me sir. Do  you have ponies ?" the little boy asked, very politely, to a salesman,  bringing back his father to the real world.
"We don't have real ponies, sorry young mister, but we have better than that ..." the young man responded in a smile.
"What could be better than a pony ?" wondered the child, not totally convinced by the man.
"A  life-size stuffed pony that can move around like you want and which  don't require feeding ? Is that what you've asked for ? Because that's  what we have !" grinned the salesman. "Do you want me to show you one ?"
"Hmm ... Let me see ... Can he talk ?" requested Alden.
"Come on young mister, a pony don't talk, he neighs. You surely know that, don't you ?" grinned the man.
"Okay, that's a good answer." nodded the toddler before turning to his father. "Can we go and see it Daddy ?"
"All  you want darling I've told you, and a Holmes has only one word."  accepted the auburn before following his son and the salesman back to  the first floor where, in a corner, were a bunch of different type of  stuffed pony, including a life-sized one on top of which the salesman  installed the ginger boy.
"So what do you think of this young mister ?" wondered the young man.
"You said it could move, don't you ?" replied the younger Holmes.
"Yes. Just hold on tight and here we go." nodded the salesman, switching on a button under the pony's stomach.
The  stuffed animal started sliding gently in the alley, making both the  little boy and his father smile. Mycroft knew that Greg would most  probably furious for him buying such a toy but he also knew it was  probably one of the best thing he ever had seen and that if it has  existed when he was a child he would have give anything to have it and a  few minutes later he was back in front of his car, watching his driver  trying to figure out how to fit the box containing the pony in the boot.

"Mycroft !" the detective shouted from the living room, a minute after he had entered the house, back from his day at work.
"I'm  in my office." replied the official, trying to sound as innocent as he  could even if he had a slight idea why his partner was asking for him in  this way better than looking around the different rooms for him as he  usually did.
"Richard Mycroft Phillip Holmes. Why is there a fucking  pony in my living room ?" wondered the inspector glancing a furious  look to the elder Holmes which clearly meant 'you'd better have a very  good explanation or you are going to spend a hell of an evening'.
"It's pony. It's stuffed horse." protested the auburn. "And it's Alden's."
"No.  You are not going to say that it's Alden's fault." denied the  policeman, half exasperated, half amused, even if he tried to hide this  last part. "Should I deduced that you've been to Hamley's once again ?"
"But  Gregory, our son got only gold stars at all his tests since the  holidays. He deserved a present no ?" tried the auburn, looking like a  student in front of his headmaster.
"A new set of pen, a deck of  cards, why not a cowboy outfit if you think he really deserves something  special. Not a freaking pony !" sighed the detective, hitting his  forehead with his palm.
"Come on, it's not that bad, it's just a stuffed animal. All kids have stuffed animals no ?" the official tried once again.
"Not a motorized life-size one !" chuckled the yarder, shaking his head in disbelief. "You will be the end of me one day, you know that don't you ?"
"You are not going to die for a pony, are you ?" laughed Mycroft, knowing that he had won the game, once again.
"We might need to move out to a bigger house if you keep buying ponies to your son ..." remarked the inspector, winking to his husband.
"I've asked Michael to get rid of the nursery equipment we don't need anymore, that might allow enough space for a pony herd no ?" the elder Holmes informed the other man.
"You are throwing away all those perfectly fine furnitures ?" wondered Greg, his popular education suddenly resurfacing.
"I  knew you were going to have this reaction." the auburn replied. "No,  I'm giving them to a charity that will sell them to help funding  orphanage in south-east Asia."
"Really ?" questioned the detective, suspicious.
"Why would I lie to you ? Do you really think I'm gonna go 'Aha, no, that was a joke, I like to see people suffer and waste things' ?"  chuckled the official. "I might be a posh prick but I still have moral  principle and helping out innocent children is somewhere in it."
"Why  am I the only one authorized to see the best part of you ?" the  policeman wondered gently, walking around his husband's desk and resting  himself on the tall man's lap.
"Because you are my special someone." whispered the auburn, brushing softly his nose against his lover's cheek.
The  elder Holmes wrapped an arm around the yarder's body, using his other  hand to encourage him to turn his face until their lips touched in a  passionate kiss. All the thoughts about the pony were far forgotten and  if it wasn't for the natural need of air they both had, they could have  stayed in this position for the rest of time. They finally parted,  keeping looking at each others eyes, the detective gently biting his  lower lips leading, like everytime,  the elder Holmes heartbeat to increase greatly and his brain to shut  off. Eagerly, he started to unbuttoned his partner's shirt only to be  stop at the second button by Greg pushing his hand away and stepping up.  Mycroft glanced him a questioning and rather hurt look to which his husband replied with a wink before making his way to the door and locking it carefully.
"You wouldn't want a wide pony to see you naked, do you ?" Greg chuckled quietly., coming back to his boyfriend and leaning against the desk.
Moaning  in agreement, the auburn resumed unbuttoning his lover's shirt, quickly  getting rid of it and started placing light kisses on the DI's soft  skin. The policeman, on the other hand was trying his best to make his  husband languish by stroking his nipples through the fabric of his shirt  until the elder Holmes begged him to do more. He then sat back on the  younger man's knees and, pulling his shirt off, placed passionate kiss from the beginning of his throat to his belly button, lingering over his nipples. Unlocking his belt he then  get rid of the auburn's trousers and wandered back up again until he  reached the half-opened mouth of the official who was moaning in  pleasure, kissing him fiercely, not even able to recall why he had been  mad at him ten minutes earlier.

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