CHAPTER 142 : Earl of Swindon

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Once again, the black Jaguar was heading to the Chelsea's nursery. Sat on the back seat, Mycroft was both happy and scared at the same time. Joyful because he wouldn't have believed he would be once more carrying another child to a nursery and certainly not his, but worried because he remembered just to well how Alden had reacted the first time he had tried to let him by himself in this place. Aelane on the other hand was looking rather pleased with the trip and kept pointing out by the window at everything she was seeing, naming it and waiting for her father's approbation.
The little girl had been in the family for nearly four weeks now and her language skills had increased so rapidly that even the politician was surprised. She was now nearly fluent in English and if she still needed a little more practice to reach the level other toddlers of her age should have achieved by this time, the elder Homes was quite confident that she was to master it very quickly. This rapid evolution was due mainly to Alden who had grown very close to her and who would bring her everywhere with him, talking to her constantly and making her talk.
The little boy was taking his part of big brother to heart and seemed happier than ever before since his sister had joined the family. The little girl, on her side, was very pleased to have that much attention on her and was trying her best to make her brother proud of her, as well as her fathers. She had taken the habits of visiting Mycroft in his office every night for five or ten minutes just before she was to go to sleep and to explain to him what she had done during the day and what she had learnt, a practice that was sounding pretty appealing to the auburn, to every one greatest surprise.
Snow was starting to pour outside and Christmas was coming up pretty fast, reminding the official he still haven't started his Christmas shopping. He made a mental note to ask Victor, his secretary, not to write down any kind of meeting during the weekend on his diary, so he would have enough time to wander around Oxford Street.
He was thinking about what he could present to Greg when the driver parked the car in front of the nursery, interrupting Mycroft's thought process. The politician exited the car and managed to get the little girl out of her bumper before hurrying under the porch and ringing the bell.
"Welcome back Mr Holmes." a young blonde called Alicia greeted him.
"Pleasure shared Mrs Sommer." the auburn smiled, gently pushing his daughter inside, so she wouldn't stay under the snow in the cold.
"And that must be Leane-Aelane." the childcarer smiled, glancing at the child.
"Exactly. She usually just go by the name Aelane though." the elder Holmes confirmed, nodding to the girl who was asking him if she could take off her coat.
"Alright, fine. I've seen in her files she had arrived in England just about a month ago. Does that require something specific from us ?" the young woman wondered.
"Hmm ... No, not really. Only she is not completely fluent yet. Well, she is quite good, but a bit late for toddler of her age. Maybe a little stimulation would be just fine." the official replied before kneeling to his daughter. "Alright darling, Daddy is going to go now alright ? You will stay here all day with the other children then I'll pick you up tonight alright ?"
He had spoken with a very warm and comforting voice, hoping it would prevent the toddler from crying her heart out as her brother had nearly done last time.
"How long going to be ?" Aelane wondered, not looking on the verge of tears at all.
"Well, you see the clock on the wall up there ? When the blue arrow will be on the pointing the ground I'll be right here to pick you up." the auburn explained.
"Before or after the tea ?" the little girl tried to understand.
"After darling. It's the same time that Alden usually come back from school with Papa." the official smiled softly, patting his daughter on the head as she opened her mouth and let out a "ooh" and a giggle.
He took advantage of the toddler still being awed by everything around her to give her a warm hug and vanish, not willing to make the goodbyes too long if it was only to provoke tears and frustration. He re-entered his car and asked his driver to bring him to the Palace where he was awaited by no one else but the landlord herself.

"The man himself ! We hardly see you around these days ..." the Queen smiled as the auburn was introduced to her office in the west wing of the Palace.
"Christmas is no holidays for the trouble I fear." the politician replied on the same tone. "Your Majesty."
"I've heard the trouble have the face of two young humans now ..." the old lady retorted, amused, gesturing to the man to take a seat on one of the armchair facing the fireplace and settling herself in the other.
"I have to plead guilty." the elder Holmes nodded, straightening his trousers as he sits down.
"Will they be coming at the Christmas tea ?" the sovereign wondered, gesturing to one of her valet to bring them some tea and biscuit.
"I don't know yet. I mean, Gregory's parents wants us to come to theirs for Christmas eve, so I'm not sure either of us will actually be able to attend ..." the auburn replied on an apologetic tone.
"Well, then you shall come to New Year's tea !" the Queen replied cheerfully. "And don't you dare tell me you can't. That's your sovereign's order Richard Mycroft Phillip Holmes."
"I wouldn't dare." Mycroft replied, bowing his head a little. "Actually, I was wondering something, some sort of, we could say, personal matter."
"Personal matter ?" wondered the Queen, surprised as the man wasn't really one of those who would be keen about talking about him all the time. "Speak it."
"You remember assuredly that you've granted my father the title of Earl of Swindon back in 1964 I suppose." the elder Homes explained carefully. The monarch nodded gracefully as to confirm what just had been said before the man continued. "An information have come to me by some foreign parts of my family that the said Earl had got rather sick these last months and that he was to pass away before next summer."
The auburn had said that without any kind of emotion. If the Holmes weren't subject to family outburst in general, the anger and resentment the politician had for his father was that strong that he was absolutely unable to feel sorry about the fact the elder man was to die shortly. After all it had been years they hadn't spoken one to another and had definitely nothing to do one with another any more as the eldest had clearly signified to his son what a disgrace he thought he was to the family. Even so, the Queen, who had had a few words about the state of the father-son relationship but who didn't knew all the details, couldn't help but gasp in sympathy.
"Therefore, I was wondering, is the tittle of Earl of Swindon is to be passed on to me in regard of my, we could say, peculiar situation." the official finished, slightly raising an eyebrow.
"I had no idea you were interested in a title. I could have given you one of your own far earlier if it was your will." the sovereign smiled, surprised. "As for the inheritance of the title, I don't see any reason not for it to be transmitted. You are the oldest son of your family, whatever family it is, and completely responsible man from whom I don't see why I shall take back his title. As from the day your father will have passed away, you'll officially become Earl of Swindon."
"Oh. Well, I suppose its something to look forward to then." the auburn grinned.
"Mycroft, you are highly incorrect." the Queen chuckled. " As per Mr Lestrade's title, I'm afraid we can have only one of you two to be called Earl. Under the last agreements, I would think that he would be called Sir Lestrade. Apart if he earns himself a title of course but as far as I know he isn't in this year list of consideration."
"No, I can confirm that he isn't." the elder Holmes nodded.
"From me to you, he deserves it more than most of the men on the list." the monarch sighed. " A bunch of peers and important men full of themselves but absolutely unable to serve their country properly. At least Mr Lestrade try his best to save the kingdom and from what I've hear, is doing pretty well. Is it true he've been appointed Chief Detective Inspector a few months ago."
"Oh your Majesty, I'm not sure you should say such things, walls have ears even here ... But yes, Gregory was appointed DCI last summer. I think he is very pleased with his new functions despite missing the practical field work rather a lot."
"Well, despite him not being in the list for a duchy of a county, I think I've seen his name in the next Order of the British Empire's awarding ceremony list. Although I can't remember what rank he had been proposed for ..." the Queen frowned, trying her best to recall. " Most probably member or officer I suppose."
"May I ask you who put his name on the list ?" Mycroft wondered, surprised but pleased.
"It might be Scotland Yard's commissioner. He some times submit names for high merits, which is the case with Mr Lestrade. He after all have performed really well last year with the attacks, and the gangs ... And he've been injured on duty."
"Well, I'm sure he will be very please with the news." Mycroft confirmed. "He is not a man of shinning in the bright lights but I suppose even him will be able to appreciate the moment."

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