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"Hey! Stop! Guards! Stop that thief!"

A figure cloaked in black is running down a long hall. A bag is clutched in one hand, a sword in the other. Galra soldiers hurry from around the corner, guns at the ready. They fire at the figure who carefully eludes the shots. The figure runs toward them, launches off the wall, flips in midair, and brings the sword down on the soldiers. They fall to the ground as the figure lands in a crouch.

The figure looks back and for a split second their face shows. The dim light hits them, revealing a pretty face. More Galra soldiers come as the women stands. She smiles and throws herself at them, her sword a whirl as she takes them down.

"Guards! Lock down the ship!"

"Great." The woman huffs, grabbing her bag and rushing down the hall. All around her more and more soldiers come. The alarms continue to wail obnoxiously as she hurries to reach the exit in time.

As she comes to the door, her escape is blocked by a horde of soldiers. The captain of the ship stands right in front. He's a disgusting looking fellow, large and brutal.

"Stop, thief!" He points a finger at the woman. "You won't be going any further."

"I'd like to see you stop me." The woman challenges, raising her sword. Tossing her bag to the side, she charges the soldiers. They drop like water as she fights her way through them.

"I don't think so!" The captain comes up from behind her and grabs the woman by the throat.

Her sword drops from her hand as he picks her up and hurls her at the wall. She hits it with a smash and collapses to the ground.

Groaning, she weakly raises herself up. Spotting her sword, she makes a desperate dash for it. The captain intercepts her and hits her into the ground. Ripping off her hood, he gasps.

"You're a woman?"

Using his surprise to her advantage, the woman kicks him in the chest, knocking him backwards. Panting, she reaches for her sword.

Out of nowhere, a bolt of dark magic comes and strikes the woman. Screaming in pain, she drops to the floor, her body writhing as the magic consumed her. The Druid stops the magic and the woman lays there, next to dead.

Laughing, the captain walks over to her and lifts her by her hair. Barely conscious, the woman lets out a breathy moan of pain.

"That'll teach you not to steal from me." He snaps his fingers. Two guards stand alert next to him. "Throw her in a cell."

He shoves her toward them and she falls to her knees in a slump. The guards grab her roughly and drag her down the hall. In one last attempt to get free, the woman trips them and tries to stumble away. A gun shot hits her leg and she cries out as she falls over, unable to go any further.

One of the guards grabs her and slaps her across the face. Losing consciousness, the woman gives up, and allows herself to be dragged to a cell.

"Filthy snake." The guards throw her inside. She sprawls across the floor.

The woman watches as the door closes and darkness overtakes her.

This woman is (Y/N). This woman is you.

"Food, thief." A tray of garbage is tossed in front of you.

"I think you've made a mistake." You cough weakly. "That's the captain's meal."

"Why you-"

Your vision goes blurry as your whacked across the face.

"Just for that, you won't get any food."

The door closes and you sigh, leaning your head back against the wall. It's been almost a month since you've had a proper meal. Your leg aches in pain and you wince as you move slightly. Your whole body feels like it's been set on fire. Coughing, you close your eyes and try to sleep. The door opens just as you begin to doze off.

"I hear you've been disrespecting me, again." Your eyes open and meet the captain's.

"It's not disrespecting you if you have no respect in the first place."

The captain's eyes flash and in a second he has you pinned against the wall.

"You better watch what you say. You wouldn't want me to call my Druids, would you?"

Fear flashes through you, but you refuse to back down. "Go right ahead. See if I care."

The captain squeezes you roughly before stepping away. "Maybe I will." Turning to his guards he says, "Summon the Druids and tell them to do as they please with this woman." Leaning close to you, his putrid breath in your face, he growls. "You'll be sorry."

Stalking off he slams the door. Groaning, you try to prepare yourself for the pain of the Druids' magic. Within minutes. the door opens and the four druids float in.

"This will be fun." One says before they hit you with all their magic.

Your blood turns to fire in your veins. Screams fill the cell. More and more magic hits you until you can't scream anymore.

Finally the Druids stop. You fall back against the ground, panting, tears streaming down your cheeks. You wipe your mouth and when you pull it back, you hand is streaked with blood. Gasping for air, you turn to them.

"Is that all you got?"

One of the druids shoots you and you slam into the wall, magic ripping away at you.

"Enough." The head Druid says. "The captain wants her alive."

The Druid stops and you fall to your knees, coughing violently.

"Let's go. I think she has paid enough. For today."

The door closes behind them as you're left to lay on the cold floor.

Exhausted, you lay down, your cheek pressed against the floor. Your eyes close and you black out.



You wake up, startled by loud noises. Galra soldiers hurry down the hallway. There's loud grunts and crashes outside your door. You try to stand but your strength is completely gone and your unable to even raise your head. As you sit up a little, your vision goes cloudy and pain wracks your body. Weakly, you lay your head down again.

"Check in there." A male voice says. "I'll check that one."

"Be careful." Another male says.

There's the sound of a sword being drawn and a small noise right outside your door. The door swings open and light floods your cell. Squinting, you look up to see a young man dressed in a red and white suit. In his hand is a matching sword and as you watch, it disappears. The man's eyes widen at the sight of you and he calls over his shoulder.

"Shiro! It's a young woman."

"What?" A man in a black and white suit comes over and looks down at you.

"Who are you? Are you an enemy of the Galra?"

You attempt to speak, but succeed only in coughing up more blood.

"We can't leave her, Shiro." The red man says.

"You're right. Carry her, Keith. I'll cover you."

Keith nods and leans down to scoop you up. You cry out in pain as he lifts you up.

"I'm sorry." He murmurs, looking down at you, as he hurries after Shiro who takes off down the hall.

Unable to respond, you close your eyes, and let Keith and Shiro whisk you to safety.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now