Chapter 6

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"You look horrible."

Sighing, you sit down across from Pidge, shooting a glare at Lance. "Gee thanks. I hadn't noticed."

"You're welcome." Lance looks smug, clearly pleased with himself.

Rolling your eyes, you lean your head on the palm of your hand as the other Paladins and Allura look you over curiously.

"Did you sleep alright?" Allura asks tentatively.

"No." You yawn. "I didn't sleep at all."

"What?!" Keith drops his spoon in his food goo. "Why not?"

You yawn again. "Bad dreams. I'll be fine. Some food will straighten me out."

The Paladins look at each other before they all push their plates in front of you.

"Then you'll need all the food you can get." Pidge says.

Shiro laces his fingers together and stares at you from across the table. "You know, we can start working on managing your nightmares whenever you want."

"No," You wave him off, picking at your goo. "I'm fine. Really."

"You need some help, (Y/N)." Shiro says. "Let me help you. Please."

You push the food away from you. "You know, I'm not so hungry anymore. I'm gonna train. Who's up for going with me?"

"No one's going actually." Coran pops his head in the doorway. He struts in. "We just got a distress call from a planet nearby. They're requiring some assistance with the Galra on their surface."

You bristle at the G-word.

"We must help them immediately." Allura gets to her feet, following Coran out the door.

"Come on, guys." Everyone hurries after Shiro and the two Alteans. After a moment, you follow them. When you walk onto the ship's bridge, your mouth falls open.

"Wow, this is nice."

"I know right." Keith's voice comes from behind you and you grab him. You go to flip him, but at the last second he grabs your leg and sends both of you toppling to the floor.

He's on top of you, his arms bracing himself above your head. His nose is inches away from yours. You notice the beautiful shade of purple his eyes are.

"Good form." You breathe.

Keith chuckles. "I learned from the best."

He pulls back and takes your hand, pulling you to your feet.

"Okay, listen. I gave you one lesson."

"It was one damn good lesson." Keith smiles at you before strapping himself into his seat.

The others are in their chairs, Allura and Coran at their stations. You place a hand on the back of Keith's chair to brace yourself as the ship speeds through space toward the planet.

"Where are the Galra stationed on this planet, Coran?" Allura asks, steering the ship toward the planet. It's large, colored purple and yellow.

"They seem to have mining facilities on the planet's surface. They're trying to dig up a geode similar in appearance to Balmeran crystals."

"Interesting." She turns to the Paladins. "Go to your lions. We'll tell you when to enter the planet's atmosphere."

As Keith stands to leave, you grab his arm. "I'm coming with you."

"Are you sure that's wise?" He says quietly.

"I'm coming with you." You say firmly.

"Fine." He sighs. "Get your dagger and the sword Coran gave you yesterday afternoon; you'll want it."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now