Chapter 50

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Blu wipes the sweat from his brow, the drops freezing over on his arm. He breathes heavily, looking out at the mass of bodies piled in front of him. Not one single soldier remains alive. He flicks his sword, the blood of his enemies flying off the end and staining the ground an even darker red.

He turns solemnly to the humming purple generator behind him. The thing is massive, stretching to a height of about one hundred feet. Blu wearily treks along the rocky terrain until he stands directly in front of the generator.

He tentatively reaches a hand out and lays it flat against the surface. He withdraws his hand quickly as there is a painful shock. He looks down at his hand and opens and closes it a few times, his fingertips tingling.

Curling his hand into a fist, he lets the cold and ice flow into his hand before he slams it into the generator. There's a loud pop and Blu flies backward several feet, the breath knocked out of him as he crashes onto the ground.

The clock continues to tick.

Thirty-seven minutes and twelve seconds. . .

Varius is roasting a soldier into ashes when his face lights up and he grabs your free hand.

"It's Blu!"


'I need your help.' Blu's voice echoes through your mind.


'Hey, sis.' You can practically hear the smile on his face. 'I'm glad you're okay.'

'Are you okay?' You question.

'Yeah, I'm fine. I killed all of the soldiers. I'm having trouble with the generator though. I don't seem to be strong enough to destroy it on my own.'

'We're on our way.' You say determinedly. You let go of Varius' hand and shout to your friends, "We're taking down the generator. We'll be back!"

"If you die, I'll murder you!" Keith calls jokingly, but his eyes flash a warning as they meet yours.

"I'll come back to you as soon as we're done." You promise. "Don't worry."

Keith nods.

"Good luck!" Lance calls.

"Don't forget, we're running out of time!" Shiro shouts as you and Varius take off running.

"Don't remind us." You murmur under your breath.

Varius leaps off the cliff, tucking and rolling to meet the ground. He holds his arms out and you tumble down into them. You hiss in pain as your injuries crackle and Varius looks at you concerned.

"It's nothing," You spring back onto your feet and hurry toward the generator as fast as your injuries will allow you.

You let Varius pass you a little before you pause and spit out a mouthful of blood. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, your tongue still tasting the rich tangy flavor of iron.

"So, I didn't know you had telepathy." You wheeze.

"Only between mates," Varius glances at you. "But if we are touching someone else, it allows them to communicate with us."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now