Chapter 15

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After breakfast, Keith and you head to the training room. You work on his fencing for a while, but your mind can't focus very well. Every swing of your sword reminds you of stabbing Rhoe and finally, panting, you toss your sword aside and say, "I'm sorry. I can't."

Keith's sword lowers, understanding written in his eyes. "Of course. I get it."

You both sit, backs against the wall.

"I'm sorry." You say again after a moment.

"For what?"

"For last night." You look over at him. "I must've looked like a monster. I am a monster." You glance away from him.

At the 'm' word, something sparks in Keith's gaze and composition. He grabs you by the shoulders and practically shouts, "No! Don't say that! You aren't a monster!"

You're startled by his aggressiveness. He sighs and lets you go, one of his hands taking yours. "I-I heard you in the bathroom."

You cock your head. "What?"

"I heard you in the bathroom crying after that whole incident with the Galra a while back. When you killed all those soldiers on the planet." Keith cups your face gently. "You said that the reason I looked at you the way I did was because you are a monster, but that's not it at all.

"You are- you are a beautiful, funny, smart, and simply incredible person. You aren't a monster. Not even close. I'll admit, I was shocked when I saw you there, covered in blood with mangled bodies around you-,"

You swallow hard, his eyes boring into yours.

"But once I got over that, all I saw was how amazing you are. You're filled with such pain and magnificence. I-" He stops, taking a deep breath.

You place your hand over his. "Keith-"

"No, let me-let me say this." He takes another deep breath, his cheeks coloring a little. "I-"

"Hey, guys!" The door bursts open and Lance appears.

You and Keith separate quickly. Lance stretches before waltzing over to you.

"I figured I'd train with you guys for once." He flashes a charming grin.

"Yeah," You nod, aware of Keith gritting his teeth next to you. "Let's uh, work on your hand to hand combat."

Lance nods and stalks off to prepare himself.

You turn to Keith. "We'll finish this conversation later."

"Forget about it." He shakes his head, and walks after Lance. "I call fighting you first!"

"Oh hoho! This is gonna be good!"

You stare at Keith's retreating back, your cheek still tingling from his touch. Forcing a smile and clapping your hands, you make your way over to them.

"You know the rule, boys. Don't draw blood. Other than that, do what you want." You put your fingers in your mouth and whistle. "Begin! Beat him into the ground, Keith."

Lance yelps as Keith launches himself at him. "Traitor!"


Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now