Chapter 35

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A/N: WARNING. There will be some mature content at the end this chapter. If you do not like boy x boy, don't read it haha.


"Do you want to talk about it?" You sit on the edge of you and Keith's bed, watching as he pulls his shirt over his head. He sighs, looking over at you as he unbuckles his belt.

"Not really, no."

"I'm here if you need me." You say, a little disappointed, but you know better than to pressure him.

Keith gets in bed next to you. You lay down with him, your cheek on his chest, his arm around you. You're just about to drift off to sleep when his body rumbles underneath you.

"Lance and I kissed."

Your eyes open. "What?"

"Lance and I kissed." Keith repeats. "Or, he kissed me."

"When?" You ask. 'Lance kissed him?'

"When we went to get the drinks during the movie." Keith mutters.

"That's why you guys took so long." You realize.

"Yeah. We kind of got into a fight. And then he kissed me."


"He said he's in love with me." Keith stares up at the ceiling. "He said he was never jealous of me dating you, but of you dating me."

You don't say anything for a minute. You don't know how to feel. "Do you love him?"

Keith sits up, and you follow. "No, of course not. I asked you to marry me, didn't I? But still, I-"

"I know," You rest your chin on his shoulder, arms around his waist.

"Are you mad?" He mumbles.

You shake your head. "No. I understand. I'm a little upset that Lance feels this way and has to suffer though."

"Me too," Keith lays back down, and you do the same.

"He seemed happy when we got engaged." You comment, your hand on Keith's chest. You can feel his heart beating steadily.

"I said the same thing to him. He said that he is very happy, but that it hurts at the same time."

You're quiet. "What are you- we- going to do?"

"I don't know."

"What do you want to do?"

"I-I don't know."


Lance knocks softly on Pidge's door. The door opens and Pidge stands there in a pair of monkey pajama pants and shirt. Hunk sits on her bed in his giraffe pj's.

"We knew you'd be coming." She says softly.

Lance stares at Pidge before falling into her open arms, crying.

"Why does it hurt so much?!" He wails.

Pidge holds him and Hunk joins in on the hug.

"Because you love him."

Lance sobs and pulls back. "I-I kissed him."

They look surprised.

"You did?"

"When we got the drinks." Lance sits on Pidge's bed. He wipes his eyes. "We started arguing because he wanted to talk about what I told him, and then, I don't know. Something came over me and I just grabbed him and kissed him." Lance looks down. "I feel horrible. Now both of them have cheated on each other with me."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now