Chapter 5

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"Good," You say, stepping back, wiping your arm across your sweaty brow. "Very good. Shall we stop?"

Keith lowers his arms, hands curled into fists. "Just one more time." He says. "Please."

Sighing, you raise your tired limbs. "Fine."

The Paladins and you had been working on fighting techniques all day. The others had trouble getting it down and decided to call it quits for the day a little bit after lunch, but Keith, an avid learner, begged you to keep going. You can tell he is getting tired now; his stance weakening, arms shaking. He'd been able to hold his ground fairly well, and you'd only claimed victory a few times during the fights, but you knew you'd get him this time.

You brace your body, fists and arms in front of your chest. Keith does the same, sweat dripping down his face. He moves suddenly and quickly. He tries to dart forward and aims a blow at your chest. You block it and kick him back, gentle enough not to seriously hurt him, but hard enough to push him away from you. You jump at him, swinging a hand at his face. He grabs your fist, stopping it centimeters away from his cheekbone. You try again with the left arm and again he stops you.

You smile wickedly and he looks at you confused before your leg hooks behind his and you pull him to the ground. He drags you down with him, and you fall onto his chest as his eyes meet yours, surprise written across his face.

"How do you do that?" He gasps, his hands still gripping your wrists.

"Practice," You breathe. Your arms slide out of his grasp as you sit back. You hold out your hand to help him up and he accepts it.

"You're getting there, though." You say, airing out your shirt. "It's only been a day; you're not expected to get this right away. It takes a while."

"I know," He says.

You lean back, cracking your back, before cracking your neck and knuckles. "Whew. I haven't practiced like that in a long time."

"Why?" Keith asks, temporarily forgetting your two month imprisonment. Realization spread across his face. "Oh. Sorry."

You shrug. "It's fine. I kind of want it to be forgotten and in the past."

"You know you won't ever forget."

"I know. But I'd like to think it didn't happen, even just for a little while." You look at him. He smiles glumly at you.

"Shall we go see what the others are up to?" He asks.

"Yeah," You nod, happy for a distraction. "Lets see what trouble they're in now."

When you do finally find them, they're sitting in the lounge, sprawled across the couch. Pidge is lying down, her feet in Hunk's lap, her head in Lance's. Hunk is fast asleep, snoring loudly; Pidge is on her laptop, typing away furiously; Lance has his headphones on, eyes closed as he listens to his music.

"Hey guys," You sit down across from them, Keith following suit. His knee brushes yours as he sits down.

"Hey!" Pidge grins over at you. "How was practice?"

"Good," You nod. "Keith's doing really well."

Keith turns a tint of pink. "You still beat me like seven times."

"Yeah, well that's to be expected. But you're getting good at doing the proper techniques."

"Thanks," He mumbles.

Yawning, you lean back against the couch. "What time is it?"

"No clue." Lance, who had taken his headphones off, says. "Time in space is tricky."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now