Chapter 13

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Suddenly, you break into an evil grin. "Rhoe. You traitorous mutt."

"Hello, (Y/N)." His voice is cool.

"It's been a long time." You cross your arms in front of your chest. "When was the last time I saw you? Let me think." Your eyes narrow and you smile falsely as you snap your fingers. "Oh! That's right! When you set fire to that whole city and killed many people and nearly burned my brother and I to death."

"Good times." Rhoe grins, teeth pointed.

You let out a fake laugh before your fist flies out. It hits Rhoe in the face and he falls sideways, gasping. You shake out your hand as the Paladins and Allura gape at you. Shiro roughly helps Rhoe sit back up.

"That felt good." You cross your arms.

"For you maybe." Rhoe groans.

Lance looks between you both. "Do you two know each other?"

"Yes," Rhoe says at the same time you say "Unfortunately."

"Unfortunately?" Rhoe's eyes glint.

"Yes," You glare at him. "I regret having anything to do with you. I thought you were my friend! And then you-you did something to him! You hurt, Blu! And you tried to kill us both!"

Rhoe licks his lips. "If he wasn't going to keep giving me what I wanted, what use was he to me?"

"You sick piece of shit! He was only fourteen!" Your fist flies out again, but Keith grabs your arm, pulling you back against his chest.

"Don't," He murmurs.

You let out a frustrated scream. Lance and Pidge stand closer to you, Lance's hand taking yours. Hunk places a hand on your shoulder, Keith's arms still firmly wrapped around your waist.

"You should listen to your boyfriend, (Y/N)."

"Leave her alone." Shiro growls, shaking Rhoe.

Pidge, as small as she is, is shaking with fury. Hunk has to pick her up to stop her from charging Rhoe.

"(Y/N), tell us who this man is." Allura demands, her stance strong and hard.

"His name is Rhoe Razorhoed. He's from the same rebel group I grew up with." His name leaves a foul taste in my mouth. "He's a traitor and a bastard!" You spat.

Rhoe laughs. "Now, now. That's no way to treat an old friend."

"You're no friend of mine." You turn to leave, yanking yourself from Keith's grasp. "Throw him in the brig, Allura. Nothing good will come of him being here unless he's in chains."

"Where are you going?" Lance's hand slides out of yours.

You look at him over your shoulder. "I'm going to my room to take a bath and rid myself of any of his filth I might have gotten on me. I'll kill him if I stay here any longer." You pause at the door. "I should have made you bleed a long time ago for what you did to him," You grit your teeth.

As the door closes behind you, you hear Allura speaking to Rhoe, but you're barely aware of your surroundings. You stumble blindly to your room, unable to believe that he's still alive.

You still remember the night that Blu came running to you, his throat and neck covered in bruises, tears streaming down his cheeks. He had limped to you and flung himself in your arms. His wrists were red and raw, deep lines etched into them.

"I tried to stop him." He cried. "But he was too strong."

You'd drawn a warm bath for him, anger boiling in your blood. Your words and touch were nothing but gentle, however, as you eased him out of his clothes, looking away as his boxers slid off. Keeping your eyes up, you had helped him into the water. His body was covered in bruises, his skin marked with hand prints.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now