Chapter 41

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A/N: Okay, guys, I'm actually such a horrible person. I promised I'd be updating every Saturday, and I HAVEN'T BEEN. I'm so so sorry! I've had so much work! I'm going to try hard to update more from now on though! I'm so sorry! I hope I haven't lost all my readers ahah.

Also, on another note, I've been trying to decide on the cover for the next book of Red, 'Crimson,' and I was hoping you could help me out. I put all of them in the picture above (sorry it's a little small) and maybe you can just let me know which one you think is best!

Anyways, please enjoy this chapter!

Blu lays on his back on his bed, his hands tucked behind his head.

"They're not telling us something." He murmurs.

Varius looks over from where he unbuttons his shirt. "What do you mean?"

Blu glances at his boyfriend. "I mean, there's something going on around here that they're not letting us in on."

"About your sister?" Varius sits on the edge of Blu's bed.

"Yeah," Blu bites his lip.

"Don't worry, love." Varius places a hand gently on Blu's knee. "Besides, if you're right, they must have a good reason for not telling us."

"I suppose," Blu agrees, grudgingly.

Varius leans over him and kisses his forehead. "It'll be okay. I promise."

Blu smiles softly. "You're right."

"Aren't I always?" Varius teases.

Blu laughs lightly. "Not always, but most of the time."

"I'll accept that," Varius grins.

He stands. Blu braces himself on his elbows, and his hand reaches out to catch Varius'.

"Are you leaving?" Blu asks, his eyes pleading for him to stay.

Varius squeezes Blu's hand before raising it to his lips and kissing the back of it. "I'll be right next door."

"But what if I have a nightmare?" Blu suddenly sounds childlike.

"Then I want you to call for me so I can hug the nightmares out of you." Varius instructs.

"Fine," Blu sighs.

Varius hauls Blu to his feet and wraps his arms around him as tightly as he can.

"I love you so much." Varius whispers.

"I love you too," Blu pulls back from where his face was pressed into Varius' shoulder. He gazes up at his lover.

Varius backs Blu up gently so his back is against the wall before leaning down to kiss him. Blu lets out a soft moan, his hands clutching Varius shirt. Finally, Varius stops and rests his forehead on Blu's.

"Good night, love."

"Good night," Blu watches as Varius walks toward the door.

Varius glances over his shoulder and smiles at Blu reassuringly before the door closes quietly behind him.


"No! I'm not leaving you!"

There's fire. Dead bodies. A flash of a burned and bleeding, crushed face. The hand of a child sticking out of a pile of rubble, its fingers outstretched. A tattered and dirty teddy bear lays on the ground, just out of reach.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now