Chapter 39

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A/N: Guys, I am such a horrible author. I haven't updated in soooo long! I'm so sorry! I've been so busy with homework! I'm taking my first AP class this year and it's super stressful! I actually cried for an hour the other night haha.
Also, I was having major writer's block for this chapter and I have no idea why. I was fine coming up with or writing my ideas for the upcoming chapters, and even the sequel to "Red," but not this chapter. Very weird.
But anyways, that brings me to another subject of business which is that there will be a sequel to this book! I'm planning on this book having fifty chapters! Only about ten or so left! And after that, the sequel! I'm planning on calling the sequel "Crimson." Also, just a heads up, "Red" will be ending on a maaaaaajor cliffhanger haha. I'm so evil.
Anyways, here's the next chapter! I'll be a little slow updating from now on, but I will be doing my best to update as soon as possible. So please bear with me!
And I'm sorry this is kind of short, but I was kind of stuck and I figured this was good enough to sate y'all's thirst.
Enjoy the chapter!


"You're back," Allura sighs in relief when you all clamber out of the Green Lion. "I was worried something had happened, you were taking so lo-" She stops as Blu pokes his head out of the Lion.

"Hi, there," He waves. Varius peers over his shoulder.

"Who is this?" Allura looks surprised.

Coran scans Blu. "Hmm... he looks remarkably like you, (Y/N),"

Allura gasps. "Is it-?"

You nod proudly. "My brother. Blu, this is Princess Allura and Coran. Coran, Allura, this is Blu."

"Hello!" Coran beams.

Blu shakes his hand before looking at Allura.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Blu bows, and kisses Allura's hand. She tints a little.

Varius coughs and walks by, kicking Blu's legs out from underneath him. Blu sprawls on the floor. He turns onto his back and glares up at his boyfriend.


You high five Varius. "Nice one."

"I try," Varius grins. He addresses Allura, "I'm Blu's mate, Varius."

Allura looks a little surprised, but shakes Varius' outstretched hand nevertheless. "Nice to meet you."

"And you as well," Varius pulls Blu to his feet.

"I hope you don't mind if they stay for a while with us, Allura," You look at her, eyes hopeful.

She claps. "Of course I don't! The more the merrier! And besides, I wouldn't kick your brother out."

You hug her tightly. "Thank you,"

"Anytime," You hug her back.

"Allow me to go make up their rooms, princess," Coran dashes away.

"Perhaps I can give you a tour meanwhile." Allura ushers us all out of the Green Lion's 'parking garage.'

"This Castle is simply amazing," Blu looks around in awe as Allura shows the boys around.

"Thank you," Allura smiles. "It was built by Coran's grandfather."

"It's truly remarkable," Varius nods. "It reminds me of the buildings on my planet."

"Where are you from?" Allura asks interested. She smiles as Shiro comes over and kisses her on the cheek, his arm snaking around her waist.

"I'm from the planet Fuuren." Varius explains. "I'm a fire demon."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now