Chapter 19

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Darkness surrounds you. You feel like you're floating in space. You hear voices, murmurs, and you feel yourself being moved. You're in pain and you hear someone screaming. It takes you a minute to realize it's you.



"...can't leave me..."

" you..."

Words and whispers swirl around you, barely acknowledgeable. You recognize Keith's voice and Shiro's in argument over something.

You weakly try to sit up and open your eyes to see what's going on. You feel something wet soaking you and cry out, blindly reaching for something.

Hands grab yours and you moan and writhe in agony.

"We have to help her!"

"I'm doing my best, Keith!"

"I can't lose her, Shiro! I can't!"

Drops of water fall on your face and even though your eyes are closed, you realize it's Keith who's crying.

"Hunk!!! Help me stop the bleeding!!!"

"Get her back to the ship!" Lance sobs. "Put her in one of those healing pods!"

"I don't know if it'll work!" Shiro is on the verge of a breakdown. "The poison has already entered her blood stream and is affecting her heart!"

"Oh, (Y/N)!" A high pitched wail sounds and you hear Pidge run off.

"Pidge!" Shiro shouts.

You try to call for her, but you can barely make a whisper. Your throat is sore and hoarse.

"(Y/N)! Just rest! You'll be okay. You have to be okay! You can't leave me! You can't leave me. You can't."

Your reply is a scream of agony.


Keith sits in your room, head in his hands, tears streaming down his cheeks. His shoulders shake as he sobs violently and he throws his head back, an anguished cry escaping his lips. The door opens and Lance comes in, eyes red.

Keith looks away, wiping his eyes. "How is she?"

"She's in the pod." Lance chokes. "But Shiro doesn't know if it will help her."

Keith bursts into tears and falls off the bed to his knees. He buries his face in the blankets, his whole body trembling.

Lance is astonished because he has never seen Keith so emotional. His eyes burn and he kneels next to Keith, wrapping an arm around the older boy.

Keith throws his arms around Lance's neck and sobs into his shirt.

"L-Lance." He says between cries. "I-I can't l-live without h-her. I-I l-lo-" he breaks off, hanging his head low and against Lance.

The Cuban grips Keith tightly and whispers, "I know. I know."


"How's she doing?" Keith asks Shiro. He stares at you through the pod, your figure limp and sickly.

"I-I don't know." Shiro turns to look at him. "I have no idea what kind of poison was on the blade that stabbed her."

Keith's jaw tightens. "I shouldn't have let her go alone. I should have been there with her."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now