Chapter 8

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A sword slices your dagger out of the air seconds before it hits her face.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), what the hell are you doing?!"

"What?" You cough violently, and when you look up, you see Shiro standing protectively in front of Allura. The Altean princess has a look of fear on her face. Your dagger sticks into the ground at Shiro's feet. Keith stands in front of you, the tip of his red sword at your throat.

"I asked you, what the hell you're doing?!"


Stunned, you sit up, Keith's sword still at your neck. All around you lay dead soldiers. One is hacked bitterly into pieces and another is a bloody mess, gashes all across it. Blood is splattered across the ground and it stains your hands and clothes.

Your eyes wide, you look at the Paladins. Pidge has a hand over her mouth, and Hunk is doubled over, retching. Shiro's gaze is hard, Lance's sad. Keith stares down at you, sword digging into you. The skin breaks and a small trickle of blood dribbles down your neck. At the sight of your blood, Keith pulls his sword back a little so it doesn't cut you.

"I-I don't know what happened." You shudder. "I was in the woods, but then I was in the hallway the day I was captured. Everything was blurred together; I couldn't tell the difference. I-I'm sorry." You look at your filthy hands. You raise your eyes to meet Keith's. The look in his eyes is unreadable. Tears start to well up in your eyes, and Keith lowers his sword. "I'm so sorry!" You break down, shoulders shaking.

A pair of arms engulfs you and you hold Lance tightly, your tears making the blood on your face run. "I'm so sorry!" You press your face into his shoulders, your arms clutching at him. He shifts so you're sitting in his lap, his arms hugging you tight.

"(Y/N)," He soothes. "You're going to be fine. We know you didn't do it on purpose. You'd never hurt one of us."

"Oh, Blu!" You cry.

If Lance notices your slip up, he doesn't comment, but merely nuzzles his head in your neck. You see Keith over his shoulder. His eyes show a flash of hardness and jealously before he turns away. You brush it aside and close your eyes. Your hair is in your mouth, but you don't care as you sob into Lance.

"It's okay, (Y/N)." Allura steps around Shiro. "Come. Let's just get you away from here."

You nod solemnly. Lance helps you stand, an arm around your waist to support you. Your knees buckle and Keith goes on the other side of you. With help from both of them, they take you back to the Red lion. They help you sit on the floor, blood smearing across the surface. Lance crouches next to you, his hand in yours.

"Keith," Allura pulls him aside. "I want you to take (Y/N) back to the castle. We'll be fine here."

Lance looks up as Keith opens his mouth to protest then changes his mind and nods. "Alright."

"Thank you. And take these with you." Allura hands him your sword and dagger. After a cursory glance in your direction, she stalks off. Lance squeezes your hand before standing and following her. You reach for him as he leaves, thinking for a second that he's Blu, then recline your hand. Keith sits down in his chair and the Red lion makes it way back to the Castle.

Keith is silent for the few minutes it takes to get there. You don't care though. There's nothing you have say to him. You continuously see the look on his face when he looked at you in your mind. You keep a hand clasped over your neck, pressing on it, despite the pain, to stop the bleeding.

Coran is waiting when you leave the Lion and you suspect Allura called in to inform him of the- incident. His smile is sad, but his eyes wary as he watches you walk past him and toward your room. Keith makes no move to follow you.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now