Chapter 10

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

You look up from your book as Blu hurries toward you, a grin on his face.

"What is it?" You smile, sitting up. He takes a seat next to you and takes one of your hands.

"Guess who just became a lieutenant?" He sings.

Your eyes widen and you squeal, throwing your arms around him. "No way! AHH! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

Blu laughs, hugging you tightly. "Thanks, sis." He mumbles against your shoulder.

When you pull back, there are tears in your eyes.

"What are you crying for, (Y/N)?" Blu smiles faintly.

"I'm just really happy that my thirteen year old brother whom I love very much just made lieutenant!" You wipe your eyes, laughing.

Blu hugs you tightly again. "I love you, too my fifteen year old sister who is a captain."

You laugh again and kiss his forehead. You let go and stand up, tucking your book under your arm. You hold out a hand and he takes it. "Come on. Let's go celebrate."

He nods happily and both of you hurry through the base.

"Hello, Mr. Ulaz!" You both wave at the senior officer.

"Hello! Congratulations on your promotion, Blu!" He says, stopping to shake his hand.

"Thanks!" Blu's chest puffs with pride.

"You've got quite the little soldier there, (Y/N)." Ulaz smiles.

"Yes, I do." You fondly ruffle Blu's hair making him scowl at you.

"Who you calling little?" He crosses his arms. "I'm almost as tall as you."

"No matter how tall you are, you'll always be my little brother." You pinch his cheeks playfully.

Blu grabs your wrists. "Hey! Quit it."

You stare him down. "Make me."

His eyes narrow, and his left fist flies out of no where. You lean back, ducking. You flip him over you and he lands gracefully on all fours. You turn to face him and step sideways as he runs at you, snarling. You bring your fist up and ram it into his stomach before flipping him over your arm and slamming him into the ground. He groans as you pull back and ready your fist to punch him.

He backflips away from you before you can hit him. He races at you and tries to kick you in the chest. You grab his foot before he can and swing him around. You toss him towards the wall and he slides along the floor, crashing into the wall.

He's back on his feet in an instant. This time you don't wait for him to attack but run at him, and as he makes a pass at your face, you grab his arm and twist it behind his back. You sweep his legs out from under him and he collapses to the ground. You sit on his back, still twisting his arm, and then you've drawn your dagger and have it at his throat. Blu freezes as the steel touches his throat, then laughs.

Laughing, you let him go and help him to his feet. The crowd of soldiers who had been watching you fight chatter excitedly.

Blu massages his shoulder as he looks at you, eyes bright. "I wish you wouldn't go so easy on me."

Several soldiers mouths drop open. "That was easy?"

"That kid could've died the way she was fighting."

You shrug, and teasingly pinch his cheeks again. "I don't want to hurt my little brother." You put on a baby voice.

"Don't start round two." He pushes you away.

Giggling, you grab him and put him in a headlock, rubbing his hair. Suddenly, he grabs you and throws you over his shoulder. You smash to the ground. "Ow..."

You struggle to your feet and stare at him. He has a smug look on his face.

You smile. "I like your underwear." The soldiers all snicker.

Blu starts. "What?!" He looks down at where your dagger sliced his belt off his pants. His pants are at his ankles and his red and white boxers are showing. "How did you-?"

He looks at you as you twirl the dagger between your fingers, humming. Then he bursts into laughter. "Good one, (Y/N)."

"Thanks." You grin, putting your dagger away. "Now can we go celebrate?"

"Yes." He chuckles, pulling up his pants. "Bye everyone!" Blu waves goodbye and they salut him. "Goodbye, sir!"

"Bye Ulaz!" You both nod your heads at him.

He waves too. As you walk away you hear him mutter under his breath, "I'm never gonna understand those two. It's been fifteen years and I still don't understand their relationship."

Chuckling to yourself, Blu and you make your way to the fanciest dining hall on the base.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! YOU HAVE TO RUN! YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! LEAVE ME!" Blu frantically pushes at you. He winces in pain as his leg throbs, blood gushing out of the burned and destroyed skin.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" You choke and you sling him over your shoulder.

Stumbling, you hurry to get out of the building. Wooden beams and flaming pieces of ceiling and flooring fall all around you, and you quickly swerve to avoid them. There are people, dead burned corpses, buried under the rubble. A hand sticks out of a pile of rock.

A piece of wood falls and hits you in the shoulder. You cry out as you drop to your knees, jostling Blu. He moans loudly and his blood drips down your arm.

You stagger to your feet, eyes burning as the smoke gets in them. You're starting to feel light headed, but you refuse to succumb to the flames. Blindly, your lungs ready to burst, you see a window and run at it as best as you can. Your shoulder connects with it and you're falling. You wrap your arms around Blu to shield him as you crash to the ground.

Panting, you drag yourself and Blu away from the burning building. Fire rages within and there are people screaming.

"Blu!" You brush his hair, matted with blood, out of his face. The wound on your shoulder is slick with red, dripping along the ground.

"I'm okay." He says hoarsely, sitting up.

You sigh in relief and hold him to your chest. "Oh, thank God,"

He laughs a little before coughing violently. When he pulls his hand away from his mouth it's wet with fresh red blood. Your eyes widen in horror as he falls forward.

"Blu! No!" You shake him.

"I-" He falls silent, his breaths shallow and coarse.

Something wet stains your pants. You look down and cry out at the pool of blood you kneel in. Blu's leg is oozing pus and blood. Then you notice something else; A piece of wood is impaled in Blu's side. You start crying hysterically, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Blu! Blu! Stay with me, Blu!" You press your hands to his wound.

He takes your hand weakly. "I-I'm not g-going anyw-where. Ah!" He groans.


His eyelids flutter.

"Blu! GOD DAMNIT!" You scream. Clutching him to your chest you let out a painful cry. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Tears stream down your cheeks as you yell at the top of your lungs. "PLEASE! SOMEONE!! HELP!"

Footsteps and shouts sound as someone hurries over to you.

"Over here! There's a boy and girl!"


Someone tries to pull you away from Blu but you push them away and fling yourself over him, sobbing. You feel dizzy, and gasp a little as you sway ever so slightly.

"Save him... Please..."

Your vision goes cloudy and you fall to the ground, arms still wrapped around your brother as darkness over comes you.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now