Chapter 48

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A/N: Happy New Year everyone!! I hope 2018 is a great year for all of us! Enjoy the chapter!
There's only two left!!


Flame sparks against steel. Deletres and you fight desperately. Your sword sings as it slices through the air. You can feel the power coursing through you and your fire burns bright.

"Tick tock, goes the clock, (Y/N)." She prances around, her purple bob wispy in the wind. Her gold eyes reflect the fire surrounding you. "Will you able to stop me and the bomb?"

"You can bet your filthy ass, I will." Your sword swings faster than she can register and she just barely jumps out of the way.

She hisses as your sword sliced her arm, her blood trickling down. She wipes a drop away with her finger and brings it to her mouth. Her eyes gaze into yours as she licks her finger clean.

"Well done, (Y/N)." She purrs.

There's a loud explosion and you freeze, looking over at your friends. Debris is raining down, but no one is hurt.

"It seems I forgot to mention that there are land mines scattered throughout the area." Deletres laughs.

Your blood is hot in your veins. You dodge easily as she launches at you. You sweep your leg underneath her, and she falls hard on the ground. She scrambles to her feet and her purple eyes glow with fear in the light of your fire.

There's another explosion right near you and Deletres just manages to roll out of the way of the blast.

She's on her feet quickly and you smile wickedly. Deletres matches your smile before throwing herself off the edge off one of the hills. She tumbles down into the widespread ranks of her soldiers.

You follow her, your sword in it's sheath faster than a human can blink. Your hands grab hold of her jacket as you plummet forty feet downwards. You slam her into the ground as you tumble to a stop and Deletres gasps, blood flying from her mouth. She spits to the side and pushes you off her.

Your body is filled with pain, your old injuries bleeding profusely. You wipe a trickle of blood making it's way down your temple. The sound of land mines going off echos in the background.

"(Y/N)!" You hear a voice cry and Keith looks at you. his eyes filled with wonder and love. "You're on fire!"

"Just in case you hadn't noticed!" Lance adds. His back is pressed to Keith's, his gun in front of him as he shoots down soldier after soldier.

You grin. "I'll tell you everything later."

"I'm holding you to that promise." Keith grins back before turning around and punching a Galra in the face.

Behind you, Deletres struggles to her feet. You turn to her, Your sword once again in hand. "You giving up yet?"

"Never!" She snarls.

"Mind if I join in?"

The air grows colder as Blu slides to a stop next to you, a swirling storm of ice around him. His ice covered sword is dripping in blood that runs down in little rivets. You look around and see Varius propped unconscious against a rock.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now