Chapter 16

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In the morning when you wake up, all is right with the world. A pair of arms is around you and your back is pressed against Keith's chest. His face is in your neck, his breath teasing your skin. Gently, you roll over so you're facing him, his arms still holding you.

You smile softly to yourself at the peaceful look on his face. You gently reach out and brush a piece of stray hair from his forehead. His hand grabs yours as you pull it away and he kisses the inside of your wrist. His eyes open and stare at you adoringly as he sets your hand down, fingers entwining with yours.

You sigh and can't help but snuggle closer to him. His head rests on yours as he holds you tightly.

"Sleep alright?" His chest rumbles lightly under your cheek.

"With you here, always." You murmur in reply.

His grip tightens as he hesitantly kisses your forehead. Your eyes close at the gesture and you kiss his chest in return. He makes a small noise in the back of his throat and rolls over so you're under him.

You purr in approval as he gazes down at you, arms bracing himself above your figure.

"How'd you sleep Keith?" You ask coyly.

"I slept great." He says, head dipping low to nuzzle your neck.

Your head falls back as his nose brushes you right under your jaw. His touch is tentative as his lips skim your skin. A soft moan escapes your lips and it encourages Keith to press his lips to your neck. Soft kisses cascade your neck as he slides a hand under you to pull you against him.

One of your hands grabs his arm while the other wraps itself in Keith's hair as he kisses his way around your collarbone. You gasp as he kisses your sensitive spot and involuntarily arch against him, pushing his face slightly into your neck more.

A soft knock sounds, coming, as usual, just as things are getting good. You bite back a groan as Keith pulls back.

"Yes?" You call. Keith's eyes stare into yours as you wait for a reply.

"Hey, it's Shiro. Just letting you know breakfast is ready."

"Thanks. We'll be right there." You can just make out his footsteps as he walks away.

Keith laughs a little and rests his forehead on yours, your cheeks burning. "Every time."

"Every time." You agree, leaning forward so your noses touch. He gives you an Eskimo kiss before tumbling over you and out of bed.

You sit up and stretch before swinging your legs over the edge and padding over to your boots. You slip on your jeans, then your boots. You shrug your jacket on over your- well, Keith's- large black T-shirt.

The others are already eating when you wander in and they give you a chorus of 'good mornings.'

"So what's on the agenda for today?" You accept the food goo Lance offeres you.

"Coran and I caught wind of an old signal early this morning from a nearby moon. We're on our way there to see if there's still any trouble." Allura says, pushing aside her empty plate.

"Is it Galra related, do you think?" You ask, trying to appear nonchalant.

Allura shakes her head. "The message didn't say. It just said the people required assistance."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now