Chapter 49

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A/N: One. More. Chapter.

Sorry for any confusion yesterday on this update haha. I know a couple of you were saying it wouldn't load. Let me tell you, yesterday was not a good day for me on Wattpad. Wattpad was literally not working for me and I kept pressing the update button like a million times but it wouldn't update and it was a struggle haha. Obviously, now it is working.
I will not keep you from this chapter any longer.
(Also, please do not ask me who this girl in the picture is because I have no clue haha.)


"Blu!" You fling yourself to the edge of the cliff just in time to grab his hand.

He looks up at you surprised, dangling precariously.

"You will come back." You seethe, tears welling up in your eyes. "You will come back, you hear me? No way in hell are you dying before me." Your tears drop onto his face and his gaze softens. "And Varius will kill you if you leave him. So you're coming back. YOU'RE COMING BACK! Understand?!"

Blu blinks up at, a soft smile tracing his lips. "Understood, sir." He salutes you left-handed before letting go.

You watch him drop and tumble to his feet. He looks back up at you before he takes off on his ice, slipping and sliding between land mines.

The Galran guards are flung from side to side as Blu's icy blasts impale them in the chest. One falls backward onto a land mine and the whole area rumbles as bomb after bomb goes off.

Blu soars above them, his ice replacing itself as it crumbles. He launches himself toward the generator, his sword cutting down any soldiers that manage to survive his ice.

"You will come back." You whisper, wiping violently at your eyes.

And then you're rolling as a blaster shot hits the ground next to you. You get to your feet and cut down the soldiers attacking you. You reach down and grab Varius' still form and throw him over your shoulder.

Even though your body is screaming in protest, you plow your way through the soldiers, bringing them down before you.


You jump and turn to see Shiro standing behind you. His mechanical arm is covered in thick Galran blood. His eyes are bright and his hair is tussled and messy. His cheek is bleeding from a small gash, but other than that, he looks fine.

You sigh in relief. "Shiro." You embrace him lightly.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "You're bleeding!"

"It's nothing," You brush it aside.

"Is that Varius? Where's Blu?" Shiro wipes his brow.

Your heart pangs. "He had to take care of something."

Varius stirs on your shoulder. "Blu," He murmurs, his voice soft and filled with love.

"You take care of him." Shiro nods at Varius. "I'll take care of these guys." He takes of running, his arm slicing through several soldiers.

Varius groans again. "Blu,"

"Blu's not here. It's just me." You say gently.

You crouch down and let Varius rest against a large boulder. He moans sleepily before his eyes snap open. They're bright red and he sits up hurriedly.

"Where's Blu?" He demands. "Where's my mate?"

"He went to destroy the generator." You try not to let your voice crack.

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