Chapter 37

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"The cloaking device on the Green Lion will help us sneak aboard the ship." Shiro says when you're all reassembled on the bridge. "We're only going to take Green."

Pidge nods. "It'll be a little cramped inside, but we'll all fit."

"To the Green Lion we go!" Lance marches off, arm in arm with Hunk.

"Are you sure you want to come?" Keith whispers as the Green Lion soars out of the Castle and into space.

You take his hand. "I'm sure."

He sighs. "Alright. Be careful though, love. I don't want you to-"

"Of course," You lean into him and look out at the space around you as Pidge steers you all toward the Galra cruiser.

It's a rather normal looking ship, despite being Galra, but you can see the damaged spots on it from when it'd taken hits during some kind of attack.

"Shiro, we're approaching the ship," Pidge looks at him over her shoulder. "Where do you want me to land?"

Shiro peers out the window. "Allura and I discovered a side entrance on the ship. It's on the eastern end. If you land on top, we can float down to it."

"Sounds good," Pidge maneuvers upward.

"This is a pretty big ship," Hunk comments.

"Mm, it is." You second him.

"I still say it's a trap." Lance sings.

You roll your eyes.

"Is here a good spot?" Pidge asks Shiro. The Lion hovers over a somewhat smooth area of ship.

Shiro nods. "Careful, now." He cautions as Pidge tries to land. "Take your time."

Pidge grits her teeth, clutching the controls. Finally, the Lion touches down softly. Pidge lets out a sigh of relief.

"Good work, Pidge." Shiro rubs her head.

She beams.

"Alright, guys. Let's go."

Shiro makes sure you all have your helmets on before opening the door. Your new helmet feels weird on you, but when you'd first tried it on, Keith had blushed and said you looked cute, so you figured it couldn't be that bad.

Keith grabs your hand as you enter space and together you float over to where Shiro said the opening was. Pidge hacks away at the code on the door for a few seconds before the metal doors glide open and you slip inside.

When the doors shut behind you, gravity returns and you all land on your feet as silently as possible. You pull your helmet off and rest it on the ground by the door.

"Here's the plan," Shiro says. "Keith and (Y/N), I want you two to split up and search the ship. Try not to be seen at all. I suggest you use the ventilation system to get around."

You both nod.

"When you're done, circle back around and find us. Radio in only if you find something. (Y/N), use the little transmitter Pidge gave you."


"The rest of you," Shiro turns to them. "You're going to come with me and poke around. We'll try to find out whose ship this."

"Aw, man," Lance complains. "I want to be a sneaky spy too,"

"Maybe next time," You nudge his shoulder.

He sighs. "Yeah,"

"Alright, let's go team. Good luck!" Shiro claps you and Keith on the shoulder before him and the others hurry off.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now