Chapter 46

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update, guys! I've been soooo busy lately with school and orchestra. I hope this chapter suffices. It's a little short, but I promise the next update will be out super soon. Happy Holidays!
This chapter is dedicated to @MEagle19. Happy birthday!


"How did this happen?" You say quietly, looking at Allura laying limply across her bed. Her torso is stained in blood and her chest rises and falls lightly. Coran rests in a similar condition on a separate cot.

Shiro sits distressed on the edge of Allura's bed, his head in his hands. His clothes are spattered with blood and he stares down, not moving or saying a word.

"Keith and I found her in the hall," Lance says grimly, his arms crossed, the sleeves of his long sleeve shirt rolled up, revealing tan forearms. The collar of his shirt dips a little low and you can see several red marks on his neck and collarbone.

Keith solemnly puts a hand on Shiro's shoulder. You note how tussled and messy his hair is. Shiro looks up, eyes empty and Keith squeezes ever so slightly. The smallest of smiles flickers across Shiro's mouth before he sighs again.

"And Coran?" Blu asks, from where he sits, Varius in his arms.

"I found him on the bridge." Hunk says from where he rubs Pidge's back comfortingly.

"Shit." You breathe. You run a bandaged hand through your hair. "But there's no sign of Deletres, huh?"

"No." Keith shakes his head. "And I find it very odd that she went for the two Alteans on board, but hasn't come after anyone else since then."

You and Blu exchange glances.

"She thinks that if she disposes of the Alteans, no one will be able to control the ship." You say lowly.

"Apparently," Blu continues your train of thought. "She didn't tell Deletres very much, did she?"

"Either that or Deletres is dumb and unable to comprehend the ties." You scratch your chin.

"Unless she doesn't know that she is either." Blu suggests.

"It's not possible she doesn't know." You shake your head.

"No," Blu leans forward. "Remember at the Academy when we studied the destruction of Daibazaal? Ten thousand years ago, a Trans-Reality Comet crashed into the planet and created a rift leading to an Alternate Reality, and immeasurable amounts of Quintessence and scientific insight, but-"

"But at the cost of slowly collapsing the planet." You think carefully about what Blu says. "And over-exposure eventually killed the emperor and empress."

His eyes lock on yours and a secret look passes between you.

"We already know that that exposure to Quintessence did unexplainable things." Blu leans forward, his voice practically a whisper. "It's the reason we're here."

"I know," You look at him and his blue eyes meet your (E/C) ones. "You think it's possible that when she came back she lost all knowledge of being-"

"That's exactly what I'm thinking." Blu presses his mouth into a fine line.

"Um, sorry to interrupt," Lance clears his throat. "But what in the hell are you talking about?"

"Nothing," You glance at him. "We're just going off on a tangent."

"Well, care to share that tangent?" Pidge raises an eyebrow.

"Not really, no." You say slowly, still thinking. "But I do have an idea."

At that moment, you're all thrown forward as there's a gigantic crash and the Castle shakes violently. Keith darts forward and catches you before you can hit the ground. Blu clutches Varius and Coran's still forms, and Shiro throws himself over Allura as rubble falls from the ceiling and smashes into the floor. The shaking stops and you all look up.

"What the hell was that?" You breathlessly, pressing a hand to an aching side. You cough violently, the dust from the ceiling floating in the air and dirt covering you.

"No clue." Shiro stands, his jaw set. "But we're going to find out. Pidge, Hunk-"

They look up from where they're picking themselves off the ground.

"I want you to stay here with Coran and Allura." Shiro instructs.

"But-" Pidge begins to protest.

"Please," Shiro says, voice strained. "Watch over her for me. And keep working on trying to stop the bomb."

Pidge nods, sadness etched in her face.

"I'm not leaving Varius." Blu says. "He's coming with me."

"You can't drag an injured body around-" Shiro starts.

"He's my mate." Blu growls. "He's not leaving my side. Also if he wakes up and I'm not next to him, he'll go berserk and destroy everything within sight."

Shiro sighs in defeat. "Alright. Fine. All of you bring your weapons. We don't know what we're going to find. We need to be prepared no matter what."

Nodding with satisfaction, Blu shoulders Varius carefully. Keith puts an arm around you and helps you toward the door. Lance puts an arm around your other side and together you all follow Shiro. You notice, in amusement, that both boys next to you are limping.

"So?" You tease. "How was it?"

Both Lance and Keith turn bright red and murmur, "Fine."

Smiling to yourself, you lean into your Red Paladin.


You wander your way outside. You're all on an old abandoned moon. The air is musky and there's a tension in the air.

"What's that over there?" Lance points toward a hill a little ways away where a faint lavender light glows.

"Let's go find out." Shiro says grimly.

The gravel crunches beneath your feet and you shiver in anticipation of something big. With every step you take, your heart grows heavier and as you finally peak the hill, the hair on the back of your neck rises.

"Holy fuck." Lance breathes.

You drink in the sight below you. Hundreds of Galran soldiers stand at attention, erect and armed. Row upon row of purple soldiers do you see. Blu swears next to you. At the back of the soldiers is a tall generator of sorts. It's glows deep violet, and pulsates. The ground beneath you vibrates.

The wind picks up and your hair blows in front of your face. Keith puts a hand on Shiro as he sways in disbelief. Your eyes hone in on a figure at the front of the legion. Deletres' gold eyes burn a hole in you.

You bare your teeth. "What's this, bitch?!" You call.

"I'm sad to see you're still alive, (Y/N)." Deletres responds. "Not for much longer though." She surveys the rough condition you're in.

"This is the final battle, (Y/N)." She says. "Tonight, Voltron will finally end. That generator is the final piece of the bomb on your ship. Once it activates in two hours, your precious Castle and Voltron will be destroyed."

"We're not giving up without a fight." Shiro shouts. His voice doesn't waver although he trembles. "We won't give up! We refuse to give up! This is not the end! We'll kick your fricken Galran asses!"

"Such noble words." Deletres sighs. "It's a shame you'll be eating them soon."

She snaps her fingers and all of the soldiers behind her point their guns at you.

"Bring it." Your eyes gleam, and both sides charge.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now