Chapter 17

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A/N: I usually hate doing Author's Notes, but I had to dedicate this chapter to owls_are_for_me for recommending this song that fits this book so perfectly! Thank you so much!


You grin widely and salute the man in return before hurrying over to embrace him. "Lieutenant-General Fabian Kraum!"

He pulls back, hands holding you away from him at arms length. "I thought you were dead!"

"I thought you were dead!" You laugh, punching him playfully in the arm.

"I hope not," He feigns panic, feeling his chest.

"Advisor Kraum," Crysta scowls. "Do you know this woman?"

"Indeed. I know her better than the back of my hand." Kraum addresses the Queen. "Please, my Lady. Allow us some time to talk privately."

Crysta grits her teeth loudly. "Very well. But after I want to hear about your scouting mission." She dismisses him with a flick of her hand.

"Who's this (Y/N)?" Keith limps over to you, one hand over his stomach.

"This is my lieutenant-general. Or, was." You throw an arm around Kraum. "We've been through thick and thin, him and I."

"Aye, you can say that again." Kraum grins. "I'm Fabian Kraum." The auburn haired man holds out his hand.

Keith shakes it as the others converge around you. "I'm Keith."

"Nice to meet you,"

"Oh! This is Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, and Lance." You introduce, stepping back to let the others give their greetings. You take Keith's free hand, subconsciously rubbing your thumb over the back of it.

"It's an honor to meet the renowned Paladins of Voltron," Kraum puts a hand over his heart and bows as the others wave hello.

"Please," Shiro shakes his head. "It's an even greater honor to meet someone who worked so closely with (Y/N) when she was a general."

"Thank you," Kraum smiles humbly. He looks around before turning to you. "Where's Blu?"

Your heart aches at his words. "There's a lot to talk about."

"So Rhoe is dead now and you're looking for Blu," Kraum lifts his head from where it rests in his hands. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I can't believe what the Galra did to you."

"There's nothing we can do about it now." You murmur.

"You're so strong, (Y/N)," Kraum clasps your hand in his. "You've always been so strong. Much stronger than me or any of the other men. But you know it's okay to lean on someone sometimes."

"I know," You look off to where Keith and the other Paladins talk with Crysta. Keith's eyes flick over to you and he smiles, his purple orbs shining. "I already have the perfect crutch."

Kraum beams at that, following your gaze. "Good. I'm happy for you, (Y/N). You deserve to be happy." He stands, your hand falling from his grasp. "Come. Let's rejoin your friends."

The others turn to you as the two of you approach.

"Hey," Keith holds out his hand. His fingers curl around yours as you take it.


"We were just talking about the Galra," Shiro motions to the Queen.

Crysta's lips are pursed. "Indeed. I had no idea how awful things had gotten."

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