Chapter 23

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A/N: Sexual content in the beginning. Dedicated to Wattpad


Your eyes widen in surprise. Lance's lips are soft, and taste like mint. Your heart beats rapidly, and you can't move. All you can do is stare up at him. When you don't kiss him back, Lance starts to pull away.

But then you're sitting up, kissing him back. He falls backward with you in his lap. Your lips crash together in a fire of passion. Lance moans against your mouth, hands gripping your ass as he grinds against you.

You pull back with a loud sigh and tilt your head back as Lance kisses your neck. He stands, taking you with him. He places you on the small counter, pressing you up against the wall. Your hands are in his hair as he sucks your neck.

"L-Lance," You moan.

"(Y/N)," His breath tickles your thigh as he dips down. He kisses up the inside of your thigh, his hands wandering over your body. When he kisses you there, your moans become louder, your body hot with lust. You wrap your legs around Lance, his tongue sending you over the edge.

He comes up again to kiss you and his tongue slips in your mouth. You can taste yourself on his lips and you let out a small scream as his hand rubs you. A finger goes in and you hunch over, crying out.

"Lance!" You pant. "Please-"

He understands immediately and stands in front of you, pushing into you. You moan at the feeling of him. He pushes in deep. He starts slow at first, letting you get used to the feeling. When your moans become screams, your pants desperate, Lance moves in and out, faster and harder, his hands starting to pull Keith's shirt over your head.



Your eyes fly open. "Stop!" You push Lance away from you.

He crashes into the table, knocking over several chairs with a loud clatter. He stares at you bewildered, his eyes shining orbs in the dark.

There's a pause where you stare at each other, both of you breathing heavily. Then suddenly the lights turn on and the four other Paladins and Allura appear in the doorway.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Shiro demands.

You look at Keith, bewildered. He looks between you and Lance. Lance pulls his boxers up hurriedly. Keith's eyes trace your body, taking in your appearance. Your-his- shirt is askew and pushed way up. His gaze settles on the bulge in Lance's boxers and your spread legs, and his expression hardens.

"LANCE!" He thunders. He crosses the room in two strides, and grabs Lance by the arms. "HOW COULD YOU?!"

Lance gulps. "I-I-"

Keith punches him across the face. Lance lands on his back on the floor, looking up at Keith who is shaking with rage. Keith beats him, angry cries escaping his lips. Pidge and Hunk scream. Allura covers her mouth, Shiro's arm around her. Lance groans in pain. Keith rears back to hit Lance again, but you latch onto his arm.

"Keith! Don't!" You say sternly.

He turns to you, fuming. He pushes you off of him and launches himself at Lance once more. But his fist never reaches Lance's face. You grab Keith by his left arm, flip him over you, throw him to the ground, and sit on him, pining his arms behind him.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now