Chapter 29

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A/N: Dedicated to @RadiatingGRadiatingGlory
O n e y e a r l a t e r. . .

You're tossed into your room.

"I'll see you tomorrow night," The captain's voice is gruff, seductive.

You nod wearily.

"You've been doing good." He trails a finger down your body. It slips in you and you whimper.

"I know," He pulls out. "I must wait. But the sight of you laying so submissive on the floor in that thin cloth dress of your's makes me want to take you right here and now."

You shiver as you feel him lean over and press against you. Then as quick as he is there, he's gone.

"Good night, slave," The door slams shut behind him. You hear the lock click.

You sigh in relief, your whole body relaxing somewhat. You crawl agonizingly into one of the corners in the room-the corner you had deemed your bed- and collapse.

Your blood drops steadily and slowly onto the floor and you watch it form a puddle, too dead inside to move.

"Pidge! Pidge, where are you?!" A voice calls softly outside your door.

You start awake as you hear someone outside your door.

'Pidge,' You think. 'Where have I heard that name before?'

You try to move a little to look out the small window in the door, but the slightest movement brings tears to your eyes. You give up, waiting to see if the person will come inside. There's the sound of something turning in the lock and then the door is swinging open.

You blink against the bright light, your bruised and black eye blurring your vision. When your eyes focus you can make out the man kneeling in front of you. He has dark hair, a strong, chiseled jawline. He looks familiar to you, but you can't fathom why. His eyes are a deep purple.

"Oh my God," He whispers, helping you stand. "What happened to you? You poor girl."

Your legs and body are so weak you can't even hold your own weight and you tumble over. The man catches you, and you whimper in pain.

His eyes flash as he murmurs, "I'm sorry,"

"It's alright," It takes you a moment to form the words and when you do, your voice comes out hoarse.

"I-I want to help you," The man says looking you up and down. "I knew someone like you once, and she did a lot for me, so now I want to indirectly return the favor." He wraps his arm around your waist. "My name is Keith. I'm a Paladin of Voltron,"

'Keith... Keith...' Now why did that name sound familiar...?

He says something over what you assume is a radio before turning his attention back to you.

"What's your name?" He pokes his head out the door.

You stop and think. "It's-"

What was it? Was it Melody? Joan? Helga? You have a flashback to a distant memory, your name leaving someone's lips as they brace themselves over you, kissing you, and moving in time with you.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now