Chapter 31

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A/N: Dedicated to @CanYouLikeNot3

Also dedicated to @MEagle19 for a warning about a guy stealing people's books in Wattpad. Yikes!! I really owe you one! Thanks a million!

On the other hand...
Whahaha! Call me evil, but I loved seeing you guys' reactions to the last chapter. Especially when I easily could've published this (I wrote both Chapter 30 and Chapter 31 at the same time). I'm so mean haha.

Enjoy the chapter!

Keith blinks at you.

"Just kidding!" You break into a grin, happy tears streaming down your face. You throw yourself into his arms. He catches you in surprise. You press your forehead to his, eyes closed. "Of course I'll marry you!"

Keith laughs in relief, swinging you around happily. The others cheer as he pulls you into him for a kiss. His hands slip the ring on your finger, and you both look down at it before he kisses you again. Your hands are around his neck and his hands on your waist.

"Hey! Get a room!" Lance shouts.

You pull away, laughing and crying out of joy. Keith's eyes are watery as he takes your hand and accepts the embraces of your friends. Allura hugs you tightly.

"Congratulations," She murmurs. "You deserve this."

"Thank you, Allura," You sniff.

"Hell yeah!" Pidge cheers. "This is fucking amazing!"

For once Shiro doesn't scold her. Instead he steps back from embracing Keith and throws an arm around the young nerd.

"It sure fucking is." He grins.

Lance grabs you and runs around with you in his arms. "MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED!!"

You laugh hysterically, Keith chasing after Lance, screaming at him to put you down.

"PUT MY FIANCÉE DOWN!" Keith grabs at the air where Lance previously was before he darted away.

"YOU HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!" Lance sticks out his tongue, still zooming around.

"I HAVE A CAKE!" Hunk whips out a cake.

"Yes! Cake!" You pump your fists in the air.

Lance plops you back in Keith's arms and rushes to Hunk's side. "Did somebody say they have a cake?!"

You hug Keith, your body flush up against his. You can feel the button of his pants against you.

"I love you so much," He mumbles in your ear as Hunk starts to slice his amazing looking pastry. "I say it all the time, but I really mean it."

"I love you too," You breathe in his smell. "You make me so happy, Keith."

You kiss his cheek before turning so your back is pressed against his chest. His hands are around your middle and you hold them.

Hunk hands you both a piece of cake and you eagerly wolf it down.

"This is delicious, Hunk!" You moan, shoving another slice in your mouth..

"Why, thank you," He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, a light blush on his cheeks. "I used buttermilk in the frosting."

"Well, it tastes wonderful, Hunk." Keith says kissing the top of your head. You look up at him adoringly, confused when he bursts into laughter.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now