Chapter 22

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A/N: Minor sexual content toward the middle and end.

A few weeks later, Allura pulls you aside.

"(Y/N), may I talk to you about something?"

"Of course..." You reply, following curiously.

The two of you stroll down the hall, Allura's arm in your's.

"So, what's this about?" You ask nervously. Was it about Blu? Did she have a change of heart and want you out of her castle for some reason?

"You and Keith," She says. "How-how did you do it?"

"I-what?" You blink.

"How did you confess your, er, feelings for each other?" Allura asks, cheeks pinking.

"Oh. Um, it just kind of happened...?"

Allura sighs. "I will tell you something, but you mustn't breathe a word about it to anyone."


"I-" She bites her lip. "I'm in love with Shiro."

You let out an excited noise and she hushes you.

"I knew it!" You whisper happily.

Allura colors. "Is it obvious?"

"A little." You shrug. "But not very. I don't think the others have noticed."

"Oh." She brushes a piece of hair out of her face, the contrast between the white and her red cheeks accentuated. "I-I want to tell him how I feel. But- I don't really know how."

"Ohhhhh... why don't you just pull him aside and say," You place a hand on her shoulder and look her in the eyes. "'Shiro, there's something I want to say. I-I love you. Very much. And I understand if you don't feel the same, and if you don't, I hope that we can still remain friends.'"

Allura whistles as you step back. "That's good. I'll do it." She nods, determinedly. "I'm gonna go find him."

"Go get 'im tiger!" You call after her as she takes off down the hall.

"Thanks for all your help, (Y/N)!"

"Anytime!" Chuckling to yourself, you turn to go to find your boyfriend.

"Wait, (Y/N)?" Allura pauses.


"Be careful of Lance,"

"Lance?" You ask confused.

"I-I think he has feelings for you." She says hesitantly.

You turn a little pink. "What?!"

"It's just something I've noticed over the past few week since you and Keith got together. He seems... jealous. I'll see you later, (Y/N),"

You wave a half-hearted farewell before heading to your room. Laying on your bed, you ponder Allura's words.

Did Lance really like you? Now that you were thinking about it, he had been acting rather different lately. Last Monday he had been rather bitter after he walked in on you and Keith kissing. Then Saturday he had shoved you away when you hugged him. And just yesterday he had told you off when you invited him to watch a movie with you and Keith.

You think of all the times you'd had together. Scrutinizing all your memories, you remember how Lance use to flirt with you a lot when you first arrived, up until the incident on Muta's planet with the Galra. He had noticed when you'd fallen behind to think beside a tree, and he'd comforted you twice.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now