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Okay, so I know I've been gone for like.... six-eight months. BUT! "Red" is nearing its completion as an original novel and I wanted to let you guys know that sometime between now and the summer it will be out and published! I hope some of you will consider buying a copy!

Essentially, it will be the same plot, but there are some changes, some additional pieces of information, and I took out/removed parts of some scenes. I also have some new all original characters!

I'm really excited about all this and I can't wait to finalize it all! If anyone is interested (or still cares about me (I've been gone so long), I'm trying to come up with good cover ideas! Let me know if you have any thoughts!

Also, for more "frequent" updates, you can follow me on my author instagram @jm_mcconville !


Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now