Chapter 45

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A/N: GUYS. Five chapters left in "Red!" And then onto "Crimson!" I'm still tallying up the totals for the book cover but you'll know soon enough.

Because Thanksgiving is today, and I'm out of school, I will hopefully have a lot of time to update. So chances are I'll be firing out updates for both "Red" and some of my other stories over the weekend.
Just letting you know what's coming up.
Enjoy!!!! And Happy Thanksgiving!!!
*WARNING* There will be mature content.


"So..." Keith sits on the edge of his bed.

"So..." Lance swallows.

"I don't know what I'm doing." Keith scratches the back of his head.

"Me either." Lance admits.

"I've never had sex with a guy." Keith clears his throat.

"Me neither." Lance flushes and looks away. "(Y/N) was my first time."

"Yeah, she was mine too." Keith drums his fingers on his knee. "Well, um, I guess we should take our clothes off?"

"Yeah." Lance burns a brighter red. "That might be helpful."

"Yeah," Keith stands slowly and pulls his shirt over his head.

Lance takes in Keith's bare torso and within a second he's on his feet and in front of Keith, taking Keith's face in his hands and kissing him.

Lance's lips move against Keith's and Lance moves so he has Keith up against the wall. Keith doesn't kiss back right away, but as Lance's hands grip his waist, he can't help but let out a soft sigh and kiss him. Keith's hands fumble with the edge of Lance's shirt before they pull back long enough for him to slip it over Lance's head.

And then Lance's lips are on his again, his hot hands keeping Keith up. Lance pushes Keith toward his bed and Keith falls onto his back as his knees hit the edge.

"I've wanted this for so long." Lance groans, moving to kiss Keith's neck.

"L-Lance-" Keith grips his upper arms.

Lance's knee is in between Keith's legs and it moves upward, rubbing, causing Keith to gasp out loud.


Keith grabs Lance and flips them so he leans over him. Lance stares breathlessly up at Keith, and Keith can't deny the fire that burns in his stomach at the sight.

Keith nibbles on Lance's collar bone causing him to moan lightly.

"K-Keith," Lance groans.

"Take off your pants," Keith orders.

Lance nods, his toned bare chest heaving. Keith wriggles Lance's pants off his hips then does the same to himself. He sucks on Lance's neck, one hand traveling around Lance's chest. Lance hisses in pleasure, grabbing Keith's biceps.

"K-Keith," He moans.

Keith's hips press against Lance's.

"Oh god, Keith." Lance pants, eyes closed in pleasure.

Keith thrusts his hips against Lance's, hard. Moans escape Lance's lips repeatedly.

"K-Keith- I-"

Keith's lips claim Lance's, cutting him off. Their tongues battle for dominance as their pelvises rub against each other.

"Oh, god!" Lance breaks away, arching his back. "Keith! Fu-fu-ahh!"

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now