Chapter 44

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"What the hell are we supposed to do?!" Shiro slams his hands on the table. His face glows in the light of Varius' flames and the candles on the table.

"I don't know," Allura puts her head in her hands.

"We have to try and stop the bomb!" Lance insists.

"Well, no fucking shit!" Pidge snaps. "But we can't really do that when a) we don't know how it works; and b) we don't even know where the hell to start looking for the bomb."

"Besides." Hunk titters. "You heard Deletres. There's no way to stop it."

"So the bitch says," You press a bandaged hand to your bandaged torso.

"You don't believe her?" Shiro asks.

You shrug, wincing in pain as you do so. "I wouldn't go that far, but I do think there's a way to stop it. I just don't know what."

"Well, we need to find out soon or we're all dead," Shiro says grimly.

"I say we torture the information out of her." Keith says crossly.

"Oh, sure, now you believe us that she's evil." Blu scoffs. "First you're all chummy with her and then suddenly you want to be her executioner."

"Listen, I was under her influence-"

"Oh, please." Blu sneers. "All of you fell into her little trap. All it took was for her to say her moon was destroyed and bam! She's suddenly your new best friend. 'Look at us! We're all so relatable! Let's braid our hair and do each other's nails!'"

Keith scowls. "It's not our fault."

"I beg to differ, you cheating scumba-"

"Blu," Varius puts a hand on his knee and Blu looks away angrily.


"Listen, fighting amongst ourselves isn't going to solve anything," You say impatiently, although touched that your brother was standing up for you so much.

There are murmurs of agreement.

"But still, Blu is right." Allura states. "We all owe you an apology, (Y/N). We should've believed you."

"Yeah, you should've." You agree, fiddling with the bloodstained cloths on your hands.

"We're sorry, (Y/N)," Keith places his hand over yours. "I'm sorry."

"I know." You don't quite meet his gaze. "But that's not important. What matters most right now is stopping this bomb."

"Maybe we should just take the Lions and hightail out of here." Lance suggests.

"Nope, I'm afraid we can't do that." Coran cuts in. "There's a powerful forcefield preventing any of the Lions from leaving."

"Shit," Shiro falls back in his chair. He rips at his hair.

"I think we should land on some abandoned moon, call for aid from someone, and just get the frick out of there." Hunk suggests.

"And abandon the Castle? Abandon Voltron?!" Allura cries.

"I mean..." Hunk looks guilty. "It's either them or our lives."

"I agree with that statement." Lance cuts in. "All in favor of Hunk's plan say 'aye.'"

"Aye." Hunk gulps.

"Aye." Varius agrees, and Blu shoots him a dirty look which he shrugs at.

"Aye." Pidge raises a finger.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now