Chapter 21

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A/N: There will be a bit of content in the beginning. Just warning you. :) Enjoy!


In the morning when you wake up, you're still in Keith's arms.

You blush as you think about what happened between the two of you last night and delicately brush his hair out of his face. He sighs and his left hand takes your wrist. He kisses your palm delicately before his eyes flutter open and he stares at you adoringly.

"Morning, love." He murmurs and your toes curl at the sound of his voice.

"Good morning," You rest your head on his smooth shoulder.

"I was worried last night was a dream, and that when I woke up you'd be gone." He kisses your bare shoulder lightly.

"It wasn't. Trust me it wasn't. And don't worry; I'm still here." You entwine your fingers with his.

"I meant it last night, when I said I love you, (Y/N)," Keith says after a moment.

"So did I," You look up at him and wrap your arms around his neck as he leans down to kiss you sweetly.

You melt into the kiss and he rolls so he's on top of you. Your legs go around his naked waist as he kisses down your neck. You head falls back and you let out a moan, arms around his neck. You feel him press against you and you grind. He groans and bites your shoulder, causing you to arch against him. His eager member rubs against you and you pant yearningly.

Keith growls and flips you over so his chest presses against your back.

"I'm going to fuck you, and I'm going fuck you hard." He whispers sexily in your ear, and your core aches.

"Please," You moan.

He pushes in and you let out a cry at the feeling. He goes slow at first, and then picks up the pace, causing your mouth to open in an 'o' as you bend over in front of him. His hands grip your hips as he slams in and out, your screams of pleasure fueling his actions.

"K-Keith!" You bury your face in his pillow, unable to stop the sounds escaping from your lips. "Oh my god, Keith! Ahh! Faster! FASTER! AHH!"

He obliges and within seconds both of you release, your insides filling up with his love.

You collapse underneath him, breathing heavily. He stays in you as you turn around and stare up at him.

He moves forward, pushing himself in you as deep as he can as he leans down to give you a passionate kiss. Between his kiss and him down below, pressing into you, you're still aching for him.

"Round three?" Your hand snakes down between the two of you and squeezes.

His eyes widen and darken with lust. "Absolutely."

Round three turns into a round four when you decided to take a shower. You were in there for about a minute when the door burst open and Keith jumped in and pushed you against the wall.

After an exhilarating quickie, you kicked him out and told him to wait on his bed for you to finish and then he could take one too.

He had smiled and kissed your nose lightly before hugging you tightly to his chest. You had buried your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his smell before he slipped out of you, and the shower, and went to wait.

When you're done washing up, you wrap yourself in a flimsy towel and leave the bathroom.

Keith sits up from where he lays naked on the bed. Your cheeks burn and you try to keep your eyes on his face. You stand next to your discarded pile of clothes and drop the towel.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now