Chapter 26

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A/N: Dedicated to @Sincerely1215

"Keith?" You ask, his arm around you, his thumb tracing patterns onto the back of your hand.

"Mm," He looks down at you, the light from the movie screen illuminating his face.

"I love you," You say tenderly.

His face softens and he kisses your forehead sweetly. "I love you too,"

"You mean it?" You tease.

"More than anything," He grabs and pinches your nose, making you laugh and squeal a little. "Now shush," He pretends to scold you. "Watch the movie." The smile he gives you takes your breath away.

"Alright, alright." Your cheeks burn and your heart beats rapidly.

Smiling happily, you snuggle deeper into his arms, your attention focusing back on the movie you're watching called, 'The Hobbit'.


"Keith," You mumble, arms reaching out for him. You move to roll over, your head colliding with the base of your chair.


You sit upright, your hands clutching the top of your head. Sighing, you look around you, soaking in the familiar site of the pod. You bring your hands down and put them in your lap.

"Just a dream." You look down at your hands. "No. . . a memory. . . God, I miss you, Keith."

Your eyes sting with tears. A beeping at the dashboard causes you to quickly blink them away. Groaning, you stand up and press a few buttons. A small image pops up on your screen.

"More Galra?" You glance at the small clock next to your hand. "A bit early to get my hands dirty. But then again, it's never too early to have some fun." You lean over and grab your sword.


Keith sits, gazing out the window in (Y/N's) room, her pillow in his arms. He buries his face in the pillow, desperately trying to breathe in her scent.

'It's fading,' He thinks, eyes squeezed shut. 'Oh, why the hell did I let you go?'

"Keith," A hand is on his shoulder.

Keith looks up at Allura, her smile gentle.

"Oh, hey," He wipes his eyes quickly, and goes back to perusing out the window. "Just a speck of space dust in my eyes."

"Do you mind if I sit too?" Allura murmurs.

Keith nods and she sits quietly next to him. Shiro watches unbeknownst to Keith from the doorway. Allura gives him a thumbs up from behind her back and presses a small button on a device in her hand. Shiro flips a switch on the box he holds.

"You really miss her, don't you?" Allura asks after a moment. She too stares out the window.

"God, of course I do," Keith lets out breathily. "More than I want to admit."

"There's nothing wrong with missing a loved one." She says softly.

"No. No, but- she's more than that. Much, much more." Keith watches a shooting star go by. "Her-her smile brightens up the room. Her laugh chases the shadows away from the deepest corners of your soul. She is the sweet morning song that plays in my head when I wake up, a dream that came true. I don't even have the words to describe how lucky I am to have found her and have her in my life.

"She's always there for me no matter what, and at the end of the day, she's the one I one want to hold and kiss before I fall asleep. She makes me feel complete, and she fills my heart with all the joys and wonders of the world.

"Yes, she can be stubborn at times, and reckless. Hell, she's even dangerous at times. But she's also amazing, and badass, and strong, so strong, and beautiful beyond belief. The way she gets up every day and smiles and laughs despite everything she's gone through simply astounds me. I could never do that."

Keith gazes into the distance, glancing at Allura briefly before continuing. "Princess, I thought when I left Earth, I'd left my home behind. But instead, I found it. You see, to me, she's home. I cannot put in words how I feel about her when I see her. These intense feelings I have will never go away. When I have her in my arms, I realize that there is only one woman for me and it is her.

"Everyday, I hope that she'll stay in my life and continuously tell me how she feels because what I feel for her exists only inside my heart. She is the only girl that can understand me. She's beautiful and I can't help but fall for her deeper every day. I'm always thinking of her."

Keith stops, his voice breaking as he chokes. "I'm sorry," He tries to mop up the many tears streaming down his cheeks. "You probably don't want to hear me gush over her."

He forces a laugh, and looks over at Allura. His words fade away and he stares at her. Her face is in her hands and her shoulders shake as she cries quietly.

"A-Allura?" Keith reaches a hand out to her hesitantly.

Shiro observes silently, holding his breath.

"You-you poor boy! Oh, Keith!" Alllura bursts out, and she throws her arms around Keith, her tears staining his shirt.

Keith sits, too startled to do anything for a moment. Then slowly, he wraps his arms around her too and bows his head, his face in her shoulder. Keith is grateful for her curtain of hair as he sobs heavily.

Shiro leaves after a moment, the recording device clutched tightly in his hands. A few tears escape the Space Dad as he hurries away down the hall to Pidge's room.

"Thank you, Allura." Keith mutters after a moment. He pulls away and gets to his feet slowly. He holds out a hand and helps Allura up.

"Anytime, Keith." The Altean princess says. "I'm really glad you opened up to me. And- I'm sure (Y/N) will be glad to hear your words." She mumbles the last part almost inaudibly.

"What did you-?"

Suddenly, Keith feels dizzy, and collapses onto the ground where he lies motionless.

Allura screams. "Keith!"

Your dagger goes through a soldier's chest and your sword decapitates the last one. The five soldiers on board the small ship had been surprised when you dropped through their ceiling yelling "Happy birthday!"

"Well, that was fun." You shoulder your sword, blood pooling around your feet. You survey the five dead bodies. "Hardly worth the effort though."

"You're just as bloody as I remember, (Y/N) (Y/LN)." A smooth voice says from the shadows.

Your sword is to the man's chest within a second. Your eyes widen in sudden recognition. "Kyo!"

The half-Galran blinks at you coldly. "Hello, cousin."

Something heavy slams into your head and you collapse to the ground, darkness overtaking you.

"One of my soldiers has captured your daughter." Zarkon purrs from his throne. The woman next to him bares her teeth. "He discovered her alone on a small Galra cruiser ship. Apparently she's the one responsible for all the attacks lately."

"So she's left the Princess and Paladins. Interesting. She must be looking for her damned brother, my son Bluthorn. I'm glad she has been found. She's a parasite that must be dealt with."

"I'm having her brought here. You can do what you please with that brat." Zarkon looks over. "I believe I can trust you to take care of her?"

"Gladly." Haggar's eyes gleam under her hood. "It's time for a mother-daughter chat."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now