Chapter 2

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Allura leads you down multiple hallways before stopping in front of a door. "I hope this will do," she says, the door opening.

Inside is a room with a bed, a couch and a clothes chest in it. There's a bookshelf filled with books and a window that allows you to gaze out at the open space surrounding you.

You turn to her. "It's perfect."

She smiles. "Good. Now the Paladin's rooms are further down the hallway. Keith is directly across the hall."

You look over your shoulder at the door opposite yours. "Grand."

"Would you like me to bring you some clothes?" Allura asks. "The clothes you're wearing now aren't exactly flattering."

You glance down at the coarse white suit you wear. "That'd be fantastic." You smile.

She clasps her hands happily. "Alright, I'll gather some of my clothes for you.We look around the same size. I'll put together some other necessities for you as well."

"Thank you, Allura." Your voice cracks. "Really, thank you."

She smiles sadly. "Of course. I'll send your things when I get them." She points to a door leading off the room. "There's a bathroom in there. I'd suggest you bathe and the clothes will here when you are done." She turns to leave.

"Thank you." You say once again.

Allura smiles before her long white hair whisks away. The door shuts behind her, leaving you alone in the silence.

Sighing, you make your way to the bathroom. Inside is a beautiful bathtub, and a sink and toilet. You start the bath, hot steam rising up.

A tall mirror hangs on the wall. You stand before it staring at your complexion. If you were going to be honest, you'd say you were a wreck. But even that barely describes you. Your (H/C) hair is matted with dried blood. Dirt and grime stick to it and it's all tangled. Your face is filthy and hallow, your (E/C) eyes more noticeable than ever in your sunken cheek bones.

Looking down, you notice your long jagged nails. As you undress, you notice how skinny you are. Your ribs show and your skin seems to hang off your body like a piece of loose clothing. Once upon a time, you had been declared beautiful. But not anymore.

Self-consciously wrapping your arms about yourself, you stop the water and gently dip a foot into the tub. It's nice and hot and you sink deep into the water. The tub is large enough to resemble a small swimming pool and is several feet deep. Sitting on a little underwater ledge, you grab at some soap lying around. You scrub viciously at your body, the water around you becoming black with filth. You scrub at your hair, the dried blood and dirt floating away. You pull the drain and let all the dirty water swirl away before refilling the tub with fresh water.

You wash everything again gently and more thorough. You find some razors in one of the bathroom drawers - or at least what looks like a razor- and you make good work of your legs, desperately trying to make your body a little better looking in your current condition. You clip your nails and smooth them down. When you're done, you let the water out and delicately step out of the bath. You dry yourself off with a towel hanging next to the mirror. You comb your fingers through your hair. Wrapping yourself up in the towel, you go back to your room.

"I brought you clothes." A monotonous voice says from behind you.

Startled, you grab the figure by the arm and yank then over your shoulder. They smash to the floor with you atop them, one leg pressing into their chest. Keith looks up at you painfully.

"What was that for?"

"Sorry." You stand back, fixing your towel. His hand is warm in yours as you pull him up. "Reflexes."

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now