Chapter 34

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"YEAH! KICK HIS ASS, LEGOLAS!" Pidge screeches.

"KILL THAT FUCKING ORC!" The Blue Paladin pumps his fist.

"LANGUAGE, PLEASE!" Shiro scolds, his arm around Allura's shoulders as she leans into him.

"SHIRO! LOOK AT MY HUSBAND! HE'S FRICKEN HOT! I WILL SWEAR IF I WANT TO!" Lance shouts from his spot next to Keith.


"Yeah, Lance! Shut up!" Hunk taunts.

"Fight me, Hunk!"

"I will!"

You growl at them and Keith laughs lightly kissing your forehead. "Relax, love."

You sigh, looking up at him. "Sorry, but the Two Towers is one of my favorite movies and I haven't seen it in over a year."

Keith's grip on you tightens and he hugs you. "I know, love."

Lance cheers loudly as Legolas shoots an Orc through the head with his bow and arrow. Lance brushes against Keith, and he quickly jolts away. Keith looks over at him and they both blush and look away awkwardly.

"Everything alright?" You ask, noticing their exchange.

Keith clears his throat. "Just peachy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Let's just watch the movie." Keith scoots closer to you and holds you tighter.

"Okay." You let it go for now, but make a mental note to ask him about it later.

"I'm so glad we decided to watch this." Pidge shoves a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Me too," Hunk agrees.

"Way better than 'The Notebook,'" Lance leans forward and shoots a glare down the couch at Shiro.

"Whatever," Shiro scoffs. "Allura and I will watch it on our own."

"Can we?" She asks hopefully.

"Of course. Lance just doesn't appreciate a good love story when he sees one." Shiro shoots him a look.

Lance gives him a shit-eating grin before leaning back.

"Isn't Aragorn dreamy?" You swoon as he charges down a line of Orcs, his sword swinging.

"Hey!" Keith protests. "What about me?!"

You glance at him. "Eh, you're alright."

Keith's mouth drops open. "I'm your fiancée!"

You wave a hand. "Technicalities."

"What?!" Keith tackles you and you fall on the floor, him looming over you. "Say it again! I dare you!"

You blink coyly up at him. "Aragon is hotter than you."

"AGHDHDH!" Keith leans down and bites your ear.

"Ow!" You pretend to whine pathetically. "Stop!"

"Not until you say you love me the most." Keith teases.

"Fine! I love you the most and think you're hotter than Aragorn." You hit at his arms.

Keith starts to pull back. "Good."

"Just kidding!" You judo flip him and he crashes face first into the ground, you on top of his back. You twist his arm behind his back a little tighter.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now