Chapter 24

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A/N: Hey everybody! Thank you so much to the people who submitted covers to me! Congratulations to @Pupqz123 for being the lucky duck whose cover was chosen! Let's all give a round of applause. 👏🏻👏🏻

Please don't be upset if you weren't chosen! All of them were so wonderful and I found it so incredibly hard to choose one! And don't worry! I'll show off each and everyone of your covers, even if you didn't "win." I hope the whole thing was fun(ish) for you though, haha.

Also, I'm so sorry this update took so long. I had a tiny bit of writers block, and then I'be been busy all week because I have final exams tomorrow and next week so I've been trying to study haha.

Anyways, enjoy! :)


"I'll take a large sandwich." You slap your money down on the counter.

The alien working the counter looks at the money before nodding. Yelling over his shoulder, he calls, "One big 'un o'er here!"

He focuses on the next customer as you stand off to the side, sighing. You lean against a large pillar and look out at the alien food court in front of you. It has been a week and a half since you "ran away" from the Castle.

So far, there hasn't been any sign of Blu. Every planet and moon you've passed you've searched for him, carefully checking that you didn't miss him. You don't really expect him to be all the way out here, but seeing as these planets are on your way to your "final destination," you figured you might as well look. Unfortunately, most of the journey had been unsuccessful and uneventful, although you did have one run-in with the Galra.

"One large sandwich!" A bell sounds and you make your way over. A purple alien with three eyes and five arms hands you your plate. A large meat and vegetable sandwich sits on it.

"Thanks," You take it and the glass of water offered.

You plop down at one of the random tables and take a bite of your sandwich, chewing thoughtfully as you look at all the strange creatures milling about the space mall. You had decided to stop on this moon for a while to walk around and get a good meal.

'Perhaps after I eat I'll ask if anyone here has seen Blu,'

You sigh and put your sandwich down to take a sip from your water.


"Excuse me!" You reach out and tap the alien's shoulder firmly but gently. "I'm looking for a young boy? He's about ye high-" you hold your hand up, "-and has curly dark brown hair with bright blue eyes and tan skin. Have you seen him?"

The man shakes his curtly and shrugs you off before continuing on his way. You sigh and turn to ask someone else. You spot a woman alien and her child walking down the street. You hurry over to them. "Excuse me! I'm looking for a boy-"

The woman scoffs and clutches her son's hand tighter as she drags him away from you. You groan.

"Excuse me-"

"I'm looking for a-"

"Have you seen a-"

"May I have a second of your ti-"

"Of course. I understand. You're too busy to help."

"Is that a no? Hello?! Okay, that's great."

"You're so helpful!"

"Wouldn't you want someone to help you if you were searching for a loved one?!"

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