Chapter 30

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A/N: Dedicated to @KILLANA_ASHLYN

There will be the slightest bit of mature content in this. And yes, I know I just updated yesterday, but I feel bad for taking so long to update lately so I decided to give you another chapter. Enjoy!


After the celebration, Keith leads you back to your room. You stumble sleepily, holding on to him weakly. He helps you into bed, tucking your small bare feet under the covers.

"Keith?" You grab his hand as he turns to leave.

"Yes, baby?" He looks at you over his shoulder. The pet name makes your cheeks flare up and you stammer awkwardly, "W-will you stay?"

He looks surprised, but nods, smiling. "Of course."

Shy in the darkness, you scoot over, making room for him to slip under the covers next to you. You lay next to him in silence, feeling nervous for no real reason.

"Talk to me." He says, just as you summon enough courage to open your mouth and say something.

You swallow. "About what?"

"Tell me what happened to you."

You shudder. Keith takes your hand comfortingly. "It's okay if you don't want to." He murmurs.

"No," You shake your head, heart pounding steadily. "I'll tell you."

You speak slowly at first, clumsily. You speak softly of the things the captain did you, of the torture he put you through. Keith says nothing through it all, just listens intently to the end. You can feel the anger coursing through his blood though, his pulse in your hand thundering loudly.

You have to stop halfway through to take deep breaths, nausea spreading through you. You fight back the bile rising in your throat and continue on.

When you're done, he turns on his side and looks at you, his eyes glimmering in the dark. He brushes a tear from your cheek with the pad of his thumb and holds you silently. You cry into him, trying to hold back the ugly sobs threatening to escape your lips.

"I will never let anything or anyone hurt you again." Keith says calmly, determinedly. He holds you tighter. "I won't ever let you leave me again. Every day away from you hurt until it became unbearable. I searched endlessly for you. I refused to give up. And I refuse to give up now."

He pulls back, his thumb tracing your mouth delicately. "I love you," He leans in to kiss you, but you hold up a hand to stop him.

"How can you?" You hiccup. "I'm repulsive. I am a disgusting monster. I kill without a thought, and I've been violated to the brink of death. I'm undesirable. I left you. I left you for so long. How can you still want me?" Your voice cracks.

"Hey," Keith's voice is so sharp you flinch. "Hey," He says again, softer, gentler. "I will always want you. I will always love you. I don't think you're disgusting. I think you're beautiful. I don't hold you to any fault for leaving. I was horrible. We both made mistakes. But I want to be with you. I do,"

"I love you," You cry, and you throw your arms around his neck.

"I love you too," And he leans down to kiss you sweetly.


In the morning when you wake up, before you even open your eyes, you can tell you're alone. You keep your eyes shut, your breathing steady.

'That was a wonderful dream,' You think sadly. 'I wish to be with my friends more than anything.' You open your eyes, ready to see the harsh blank walls of your prison room.

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