Chapter 20

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A/N: There will be a tad bit of sexual content in this chapter. Someone recently brought to my attention how uncomfortable they were about the rape scene between Blu and Rhoe, so I thought I'd give you all a warning that there will be a little bit of mature content in this next part. I won't go into extreme detail, of course, but I figured I'd give you a heads up anyways.


Not long after Keith leaves, you slip out after him. You find him bracing himself against the wall in the hallway where your rooms are.

"Are you okay?" You ask tentatively, one hand slowly reaching for his shouldet.

"What do you friggen think?!" He snaps, whirling to face you.

You take a step back, startled.

"Do you have any idea how scared I was?!" He grabs you by the arms. "I thought you were going to die! I thought I was gonna lose you!!"

"But you didn't." You mutter, a little shocked at his outburst.

"That doesn't matter! I blame myself for what happened to you! I shouldn't have let you walk away from me like that!" Keith pulls back and sinks his hands in his hair. "God, I was so stupid! You could've died and my last words to you would've been 'I hope you get hurt just so we can prove that you can't do this on your own!'"

"Stop this!" You growl. "I'm the stupid one! I'm the one who thought I could do it on my own!"

"But the thing is you did do it!" Keith cries. "You saved everyone! Including us!"

"But I still got hurt!" You shake your head. "I was doing fine for a while, but then Jestana and Royzain let me hear the screams of everyone down there." You choke up. "When I heard your's, I went berserk. I got clumsy, more reckless than usual.

"I could hear you screaming my name. And all I wanted to do was claw out those bitches' eyes and destroy them for even thinking of touching you." Your blood boils at the thought.

"Oh, (Y/N)," Keith breathes. "When you burst into that cave and jumped in front of that whip for me, all I wanted to do was burn the man who let that weapon touch your skin. You didn't let out even a whimper at the pain and I said to myself, 'She's so strong and brave.' And then- and then, you murdered every one of those bandits and rescued everyone, despite your exhaustion and pain and injuries."

"But I collapsed at the end." Your throat tightens.

"That doesn't matter, (Y/N)." Keith takes your hands. "No one here thinks you're weak. You are so strong and beautiful and incredible."

"I'm sorry." You blurt out. "I got hurt so much because I just wanted to save you, and tell you that I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Keith cups your face. "I just- I couldn't bear to lose you. I can't live without you. Do you have even the faintest idea what it felt to have you bleeding and dying in my arms? I had no idea how to save you."

"Keith," You say softly, your hands against his strong solid chest. You can feel his heart beating underneath your palm.

"I love you," Keith breathes. "I want you. I need you, (Y/N). I want you so much."

"Then take me," You whisper, and Keith's eyes darken with lust as he leans forward and touches his lips against yours.

It's just a quick brush first but then he fully claims your mouth and you let out a moan as he pulls you into him, pressing you tightly against the wall. Your whole body feels like it's on fire, your heart pounding. Your arms are wound around his neck, one hand winding its way into his hair.

Keith lets out a breathy moan as you nibble on his lip and his tongue slips into your mouth. Your grip on him tightens as you sigh and you wrap your legs around his waist. He pushes you against the wall and as your hips align, you let out a cry. He rubs against you, small groans coming from his throat.

Panting, your hands slide under his shirt and you trace his stomach. You wander up and over, feeling every part of him. He pulls away from your mouth for a second and you lift his shirt up over his head. Your fingers wander toward the waistband of his pants and you hook one finger in them, tugging him even closer.

Keith presses you harder into the wall, your back hitting his door. It slides open and you both half tumble, half rush in.

Groaning, Keith walks you over to the bed, lips attacking yours. Your knees hit the bed and you fall back, Keith on top of you. Keith growls and kisses your neck, his tongue licking you. He finds your sweet spot and sucks it hard, eagerly making you moan.

It's his turn to feel you and his hands slip under your shirt, cupping your breasts gently. You sigh as his lips make their way down your collarbone and stop at the hem of your shirt. He rips your shirt in half and you arch against him, feeling him press against you.

His lips kiss down your front, stopping at your waistband. Your fingers unbutton his pants and pull them down. He's in a pair of red boxers. He kicks his pants aside and works on removing yours as he continues to kiss you. They slide down to your ankles and you push them aside. You're in a pair of lacy underwear and Keith pulls back to stare at you, lust in his eyes.

"Oh god." He murmurs. "You're so beautiful (Y/N)."

You lean up and grab him, kissing him lovingly. "So are you." You mutter against his lips.

Sighing, he kisses you back, one hand slipping into your panties. You cry out as his fingers dance, making you want more.

He chuckles darkly against your neck, as you grasp his shoulders, panting his name. His hand stops and you moan in disappointment. He laughs a little and kisses you. You kiss him back gladly before flipping him over so you're on top of him. You're right on top of him and you bite your lip as he pushes you against him.

"No." You command. "I'm in charge now."

Keith looks at you expectingly as you kiss his chest gently. You kiss your way down to his boxers. Keith gasps as you take the waistband in your teeth and pull down. As your head ducks down, Keith moans loudly, and you pleasure him harder, tongue swirling around his sensitive skin.

You work him hard, moans escaping both of your lips. His hands move on your body and tease you.

"I'm gonna-" You pull back just briefly.

"Me too." He groans and you both let go.

You turn to kiss him passionately and he flips you over again.

His hips align with yours and he looks at you questioningly. "Are you sure? We don't have protection-"

"I have medicine. Do it." You arch against him and he slips in. He pushes deep into you. Your eyes fill with tears and he kisses you lightly.

"The pain will pass."

He's right and you move against him to get him started. He slips in and out, his skin sliding against yours. He goes hard and fast, grunts escaping both your lips. Your legs wrap around his waist, pushing him in even deeper, and he hits your pleasure spot.

You cry out and sweat drips off Keith's face as he obliges your every plea. You feel a building pressure in your stomach and you let out a small yelp.

You moan loudly and scream as you both release. Keith collapses on top of you, his skin hot and sweaty.

"Oh my god," He brushes your damp hair out of your face. "I love you."

"I love you too," You smile.

He kisses you lightly, before pulling the covers over you and snuggling against you.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now