Chapter 12

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"Good. I really think you're improving." Shiro smiles at you.

You sigh. "I don't know. I keep having dreams about him."

"Your brother."


"But no more about the Galra?"

You shake your head. "No, not really."

"Well, I guess that's good. I don't think you need any more training with me." Shiro says.

"Oh, good." You sigh in relief. When Shiro looks at you, you hastily add, "Not that I don't enjoy these little sessions of ours, but it's a relief to be able to stop."

"Of course," Shiro muses. His gaze softens as his eyes meet yours. "(Y/N)," His voice is soft.


"I don't know if I ever said before but, I'm really sorry for all that happened to you."

You shake your head. "Don't be."

"You're so young," Shiro looks at his hands.

"Shiro," You reach out tentatively and place a hand on his arm.

He looks up at you.

"I assure you, I'm fine. Especially now. Thanks to you I don't have to relive those moments in sleep." You smile gratefully at him.

He smiles back. You pull your hand back as you stand and stretch. "I'm going to go change and freshen up a little before dinner. I'm pretty sure I smell like a dead mule."

Shiro bursts into laughter, pulling himself to his feet. "Go on. I'm sure the others are eager to see you. That is, if they're still alive." He mutters.

You snort. "Knowing them, they've probably been fighting this whole time."

"Probably." Shiro sighs, rubbing his forehead. "I don't know what I'm going to do with them."

"Me neither." You grin. "I'll see ya in a bit, Shiro."

"See you," He raises a hand in farewell as you make your way down the hall.

When you get to your bedroom, Keith is laying on your bed, reading.

"Hey," You sit down next to him.

"Hey," He pushes himself up, putting his book down.

"How'd it go?"

"Great! I'm officially a graduate of the Shiro Meditation Center."

"Congrats." Keith laughs.

"I try, you know." You nudge him.

His shoulder is warm against yours, and your cheeks heat up a little at the look he gives you. You clear your throat and Keith looks away.

"So, whatcha reading?" You try to change the subject.

"A book."

"Nooooo." You feign surprise. "I had no idea."

"Oh, shush!"

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now