Chapter 42

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"There's something fishy about her." You stab your fork violently into your salad as you seethe to Keith and Blu about Deletres for the fifteenth time that week.

"We've heard," Keith says, annoyed.

"I'm serious!" You chew for a moment. "There's something off."

Keith sighs. "Listen, (Y/N). Since she's arrived, Deletres has done nothing but pull twice her own weight around here."

"So?" You raise an eyebrow. "That doesn't mean she's a good person. I'm telling you, there's something evil about her. And the way she follows Blu and I around is just weird! And she spends so much time trying to learn every little thing about the Castle!"

"I second that!" Blu raises a hand in agreement as Varius offers him a bite of his cake. "Mm, tasty."

"She just wants to help out." Keith ignores Blu's input. "She's been through a lot. You heard that whole story of her being the final survivor of the explosion on her moon."

"Whatever. It sounded like a load of bull to me," You huff. "I think someone's put her up to it, and I'd bet my ass that it's our mother."

"When we found her the Galra were attacking her! Why would they attack one of their own?!" Keith asks.

"Probably so we'd assume she's innocent!" I half-shout.

Keith stands. "Whatever, (Y/N)," He groans wearily. "Obviously nothing will change your mind on the matter. But stop acting so hostile toward her. She told me earlier she gets scared when you do that."

"Nice to know you're such good chums," You snap.

Keith dumps his plate in the sink. "I'm going to the training room."

"Yeah, go spend some more time with your innocent new girlfriend, Deletres!" You call after him as the door closes.

Groaning, you drop your head on the table. Varius tsks and slides you the piece of cake he was nibbling on. You accept it graciously, angrily driving your fork into the soft chocolate slab.

"I'm on your side," Blu puts it out there.

"Me too," Varius agrees. "Everyone else doesn't seem to realize it, but there is something bad about Deletres."

"Thank you, guys," You give Varius back his cake. "The Paladins seem blind to how evil she is and I just don't know what to do. Just yesterday I saw Allura and her hugging!"

"Well what would you like to do?" Blu asks.

"Strap her to a table and torture her until she admits to being evil." You shrug nonchalantly. "And maybe cut off a finger or two for cozying up to Keith."

Varius nods approvingly. "Nice, nice. Let me know if you want to barbecue her as well."

"Yes!" You lean forward eagerly. "But you're bringing the hamburger buns."

"Hey! I'm the one roasting her!"

"But I'm supplying the meat." You point out.

"Okay, fair enough." Varius admits. "I'm in if you agree to bring ketchup."

"You got yourself a deal." You grin, shaking his hand.

Blu looks between you two, wrinkling his nose. "That's disgusting."

"No more disgusting than the things you and I do." Varius leans back in his chair, eyes gleaming. Blu turns red.

"Ooh, what kind of things are those?" You ask, teasingly.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now