Chapter 18

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A/N: Hey everybody! Another Author's Note haha. So, I've been watching this anime called Fairy Tail, and in it is this super badass female character named Erza, who has this great theme song. Listening to it, I thought it fits the Reader's personality pretty well and I thought that I-we- could maybe adopt it as her theme song haha. I posted it above if you want to give it a listen.
Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

"Where. The. Hell. ARE THEY?!" Your throat whines in protest as you shout furiously.

Laughter swirls around you as the remaining bandits fall to the ground, heads tumbling from their shoulders. Your sword drips red, small spots dribbling across the rocks beneath you.

"Come out. And face me." You pant. "Tell me where they are."

"My, my."

There's movement behind you and out steps the woman, Jestana. She's a magnificent creature, her skin an ominous and serene pale blue. Her thick dark hair tumbles down her back in a cascade of curls. Her face is beautiful, luscious lips and well-defined features. But there's one unsettling feature of hers that startles you.

Her eyes.

Her eyes are bright red.

Your fingers tighten on your sword and you brandish it. "Tell me you, she-devil! You're one of the fabricators of this! Where are my friends?! Where is Keith?!"

Her laughter sends chills running up your spine. "Don't worry," Her voice, now that she stands in front of you, is even silkier than before. "They're in good hands. I assure you."

More screams and shouts surround you and your vision goes red.


You lunge at her, sword raised. Your eyes are fixated on the spot above her left breast. Just before your sword breaks her skin and impales her heart, a piercing pain runs up your side and you cry out.

You fall to your knees, your sword slipping from your hand. Blood pours out of a gash in your side. Half of your skin is missing and the remaining is bleeding heavily.

"That was close, Royzain."

"Sorry, my dear."

You hear him before you see him. Out of nowhere something attacks you from the shadows. You're flung backwards, a rock cutting deep into your back. You moan, feeling your side scream in protest.

The darkness in front of you shudders before a man appears, his face looming in yours.

"Oh, not feeling well?" He grins before he raises a hand and sends you flying against the wall.

Your head smacks against the rock and you crumple to the ground. You see double, head pounding and as you stagger to your feet, you sway from dizziness.

You wipe your mouth with your fist, smearing blood across your face. Your sword glints in the darkness and you half run, half crawl to it. The second it's in your hand, you feel your body being sent into space once more before gravity works and you slam into the ground, your sword cutting you as you land on your stomach.

Tears of agony well up in your eyes, but you force yourself to your feet as your heart pounds rapidly.

'I have. To beat. Them.'

With a defiant shout, you charge at them, determination and adrenaline fueling your actions. You refuse to give in. To let them hurt your friends. To let them hurt Keith. They could do what they wanted to you. But not them. Not him. You couldn't lose someone you loved ever again.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now