Chapter 14

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"Mm... Keith..." You moan, his lips delicately tracing your collarbone.

He kisses your neck and your head falls back, mouth shaped like an 'o'. "Oh my-," You gasp as he kisses his way down your chest.

His hands wander your body as you squirm underneath him, his body moving in time with yours.

"Kiss me, please," You sigh, and his head lifts so his lips can meet yours.

"(Y/N). (Y/N),"

"Huh?" You wake up from your dream, heart beating fast. Keith's eyes meet yours as he looks down at you and you flush as you think of the content of your dream. You can still feel him and his touch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, but you were moaning in your sleep. I figured you were having a nightmare or something." Keith says.

"Oh, no, it's fine." You clear your throat. "It was nothing, really."

Keith shrugs. "Alright." He lays back down next to you.

"What time is it?" You ask, trying to ignore how your body is tingling next to his.

"It's about three in the morning."

"Oh. Sorry if I woke you."

"It's fine." Keith says. "I couldn't really sleep either."


His face turns red. "Um, I had a weird dream as well."

"Oh," You blush. "I see."

You shift a little and your leg brushes Keith's. He stiffens slightly and swallows hard.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." He bolts out of bed, leaving you staring after him.

The door closes loudly behind him.

"Um, okay?"

Confused, you settle back under your covers, trying to erase your dream from your mind. What did it even mean? You and Keith had almost kissed yesterday, but that didn't necessarily mean anything either, did it?

"Oh god," You murmur. "Am I- am I falling for him?"

The bathroom door opens and Keith appears, still looking a little disheveled. "You say something?"

"Hmm? Oh, no. Just talking to myself." You titter nervously, scooting over to give him room.

Keith climbs back in bed facing you. He hesitantly curls his body around yours. One of his hands brushes your thigh as he wraps his arms around you and despite yourself, you gasp softly.

"S-sorry," Keith mumbles, arms removing themselves.

"No," You whisper. "Don't let go."

Keith's breath is shaky as his arms engulf you once more. Your eyes meet his and you can feel his heart pounding underneath your hand as you place it on his chest.

"Keith? What did you dream about?" You ask quietly.


The door flies open suddenly.

"Ah, here we are. I've been looking for you everywhere, (Y/N)." Rhoe stretches and looks around casually, a grin on his face. At the sight of Keith, his grin grows even wider. "Oh dear, I hope I wasn't interrupting a little late night fun. You should have come and got me. I would've been a better buddy than him."

"Rhoe," You growl. You fling yourself out of bed and slam him into the wall, your hand around his throat.

Keith stumbles to his feet.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now