Chapter 11

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"Blu!" Your eyes fly open. You sit up sweating, heart pounding. Your breath comes out in short pants.

You pull your knees to your chest and rest your elbows on them. You put your head in your hands, your fingers grabbing at your hair. Tears well up in your eyes, and your shoulders shake silently as you cry.

"(Y/N)?" There's a soft voice.

You look at Keith. He's sitting halfway up, bracing himself on his forearms. The others are still fast asleep, although Lance shifts a little under his blankets.

"Are you alright?" His eyes are concerned.

"I'm fine," You wipe your eyes a little and lay down next to him. He lays back down too, still staring at you with worry. A tear slips down your cheek before you can stop it and you let out a shaky breath.

"No," Keith says. "You're not. Come on."

He slips out of his blankets and holds his hand out. You look at it for a second before taking it. He helps you to your feet, your knees shaking. Keith silently leads you out of the room and toward the kitchen. Your mind is numb as you walk, and you can only focus on one thought. Blu.

Keith says nothing as you go to the kitchen and he makes some hot drinks. He then brings you to the lounge and nods at the couch. You sit tentatively on one, your hands gripping the edge. Keith sits next to you and hands you a hot cup of what looks like tea. You take it gratefully and take a small sip. You make a face at the flavor before holding it in your two hands.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Keith asks after a moment.

"I don't know. It-it was about my brother, Blu." Your voice cracks on his name.

Keith places his cup on the table and you do the same. "I'm sorry."

"But, it's not your fault." You say, looking at him confused.

"I know," Keith looks at his hands. "I'm sorry that I can't do anything to help you." He looks at you and swallows. "I-I care about you and seeing you in pain hurts me. And hurts the others."

"I know." You say softly, your body trembling.

You burst into tears and look away from Keith. Keith scoots over and pulls you into him. He places you on his lap and wraps his arms tightly around you. You burry your face in his neck and cling to him. He runs his fingers through your hair as he places his head on yours. Your fingers are wound in his shirt and his other hand is on your back, pressing you against him.

Your tears pour down your face and drop onto his shirt. Keith doesn't seem to mind though, and just holds you until you cry yourself out. Afterwards, you just sit in his lap, your back against his chest, his arms around your waist.

"Keith?" You say quietly.


"Thank you," You turn around to face him. Your eyes scan his face, his eyes soft and gentle.

"Of course." He smiles and you snuggle back into his arms where you both sit until you drift off to sleep once more.

"Should we wake them?"

"Nah. They look pretty cozy."

"Yeah, a little too cozy."

Moaning, you shift a little and your eyes flutter open. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance are all looking down at you.

"What's going on?" You murmur. Keith moans a little, his arms snaking tighter around you.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now