Chapter 3

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The next morning, you wake up moaning. A pair of arms tighten around you, someone's face buried in your neck. Warm breath caresses your skin. Your eyes flutter open and you turn over. You come face to face with Keith, his face peaceful and beautiful in sleep. Your face heats up as his head nuzzles against his shoulder. Softly, you slip out of his grip and swing your legs over the edge of your bed. Your bare feet touch the smooth, cool ground. Pidge, Hunk, and Lance are sprawled across the floor on top of a pile of blankets. Laughing lightly to yourself, you head to the bathroom.

Your dress is damp and still sticky from your dream. You peel it off, your skin feeling dirty from where it clung to you. As you run the bath, you sit on the edge of the toilet. Your hands shake when you go to tie your hair up as you think of the events that occurred last night.

"Is that really what it was like for you everyday?"


You shut the water off and slide in, water lapping at your figure. You lean back, your head resting against the edge of the tub. The water burns at your skin, but you're unfazed. Anything to get rid of those horrible moments.

When you're done, you still feel dirty, but you imagine it'll take more than a hot bath to get rid of that feeling.

When you leave the bathroom, the blankets on the ground are deserted. Keith sits on your bed, his black shirt rumpled, his hair ruffled.

"Hey," Your hands clutch at the white towel wrapped around your chest. Keith doesn't glance at your body as his eyes meet yours.

"Where are the others?" You let your hair down and it falls in waves down your back.

"They went to breakfast." Keith's eyes scan your face. "How are you?"

You sit next to him on the bed, your towel riding up your thigh. "I'm fine."

"I'm sorry if we barged in on you last night. And I'm sorry if I acted improper at all." Keith's cheeks turn a little pink.

"Oh," Your cheeks flush in return. "No, I- you were fine. I needed the comfort."

Keith nods, a half-smile gracing his lips.

"Thank you." You say quietly. "For everything. Especially for hauling my ass off that ship. I never properly thanked you for that, did I?"

"You don't have to." Keith runs a hand through his hair.

You feel a lump in your throat. "I do though. If it weren't for you, I'd be writhing in pain in a pool of my own blood right now."

Keith's eyes flash and he grimaces.

"So, thank you." You look at your hands.

"You're welcome. I couldn't leave you there."

"Well, I mean, you could've. Most people would have." You peer up at him through your long (H/C) eyelashes.

Keith shakes his head. "I'm not most people."

You smile softly at him before standing up and making your way over to your pile of clothes.

"What should I wear today?" You mutter to yourself, digging through the pieces of fabric in front of you.

Keith walks over. "Why are so many of them frilly?" His nose wrinkles in disgust as he leans over you.

"Don't ask me." You chuckle. "Oh, there is no way I'm wearing any of these. Hasn't she ever heard of a simple pair of pants and a shirt?"

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now