Chapter 1

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"Why is it taking so long?"

"She was badly wounded, she's gonna need a few more ticks."

"How much better can she get in a few ticks?"

Your eyelids flutter and you let out a small moan, your body shifting uncomfortably.

"I think she's waking up!"

"Ouch, Pidge! That was my foot,"

Your eyes open and you're met with the sight of several people staring at you. There's two girls, one younger and one older, and two males who look about the same age. They're all looking at you with concern and interest. You're inside a glass container, but as you watch, the glass slides away and you fall forward. One of the boys, a handsome young man with tan skin, and brown hair hurries forward and catches you.

"Woah," He says, holding you steady. His eyes gaze into yours. "Woah," He blushes.

Ignoring him a little, you attempt to stand on your own. You wobble a little but you can handle your own weight without any help.

"Are you alright, miss?" The first girl asks. She's a small thing with glasses and orange hair.

"Y-yes, thank you," Your head spins and you shake it, trying to clear it. "Where-where am I?"

"I am Princess Allura of Altea." A young woman with dark skin and long white hair tied up in a knot on her head comes forward. "And these are the Paladins of Voltron. You are in my Castle. You are safe from the Galra here."

At the word Galra, your knees buckle and your body trembles. Allura reaches a hand out to steady you. She urges you to sit down and nodding slowly, you oblige.

"What is your name?" Allura asks kindly.

"I'm (Y/N)." You say your heart still pounding rapidly.

"I'm Pidge," The girl with glasses says.

"I'm Lance," The tan boy winks at you. Your nose crinkles.

"I'm Hunk." The other boy says. He's a large, friendly looking guy with- was that an apron around his waist?

"And of course you are already acquainted with Shiro and Keith." Allura points.

It's only then that you notice the two males standing off to the side against the wall. Shiro smiles in your direction as your gaze sweeps over him. Your eyes meet Keith's and he nods at you.

"Thank you for saving me." You say quietly.

"Of course." Shiro walks over. "We couldn't just leave you."

You smile faintly.

"Are you hungry at all?" Allura asks.

Your stomach growls painfully, hunger slicing at your insides. You remember how long its been since you had a proper meal.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry." You say.

"I'll fire up the kitchens." Hunk claps his hands and scuttles out of the room. The others mosey toward the door.

"Come," Allura stretches, beckoning to you from the door way.

She disappears into the hall outside as you pull yourself to your feet. Wobbling, you start toward the door.

"Here, let me help you." A warm arm wraps itself around you and Keith pulls you against him. Your body tenses a little, then relaxes. You're in a safe place.

"Thanks," You say, as he helps you out the door and down the hall.

"Don't mention it," is his reply.

When you reach the kitchen, there are several plates of green- food goo?- sitting on the table. Keith takes you to a chair and you sit down.

"Coran, goo's served!" Allura says into a radio of some kind. Her earrings glow as she gets a response.

A few seconds later, a tall man with red hair hurries in. When he sees you he waves. "Hello! I'm Coran."

"(Y/N)," You shake his hand.

A plate of food goo is placed in front of you, and Hunk tells you to eat up.

Normally you would be cautious about eating something "foreign" like this, but once you see everyone else shoveling it into their mouths, you dig in. The second you swallow, pain hits you and you gasp, your hands bracing the table's edge a little as you lean forward.

"Are you alright?" Pidge asks concerned.

"Yeah," You force a laugh. "It's been a while since I've eaten. My stomach just needs to adjust to food again."

They all exchange glances.

"What happened to you in there?"

As the pain subdues, you look up. "I don't think you want to know."

"Um, I think we do seeing as when Keith and Shiro brought you here you were all bloody and broken." Hunk crosses his arms.

Sighing, you put you spoon down. Everyone looks at you expectedly. "I was caught stealing supplies from the Galra ship. My spacepod's engine wasn't working. I hijacked it from some Galra a while ago and needed their supplies to fix it. I was captured on my way out. This was almost two months ago."

Your eyes close as you continue. "I disrespected the captain a lot. The first time, he sent several of his men to molest me."

There are gasps from those around the table, and shuddering, you recall that horrible moment.

"No, please!" You screamed, your back pressed against the wall, tears streaking your face.

"Stop moaning!" One of the Galra says. "We haven't even started yet and she's already making noises."

The other sentries laugh.

Sobs wracked your body as one of the three came and pinned you to the wall. His mouth attacked you, his hands grabbing at you.

Screaming you tried to get away as he tried to remove your shirt. But he was too strong and you couldn't run. The other sentries were stripped now and they came over to you.

"We'll take care of her."

"Just save some for me."

They grabbed at you, ripping your clothes in half. They groped at you, hands probing and poking. They forced you to do what they wanted, no matter how much you cried and screamed, no matter how much you choked, no matter how much you bled. When they finished, your body was bruised and dirty. They left and hadn't come back.

"(Y/N)." A gentle hand is placed on your shoulder. You flinch a little and the hand removes itself. You open your eyes and meet the horror stricken faces of your saviors. Keith's jaw is clenched, and Shiro looks furious. The others look grief-stricken.

"There's more." You choke out. "The captain sent his Druids to torture me for hours on end. Sometimes with machines, other times with their magic. The day you two saved me," You glance at Keith and Shiro, "They tortured me with their magic for hours. I would have died if I stayed there any longer. Thank you, for taking me with you."

"Those mother-quiznackers!" Lance bursts out. "You didn't deserve any of that!"

"We should go back and beat them to the ground!" Pidge scowls.

You laugh humorlessly. "There's nothing you can do to fix it. It can't be undone."

You look down at the food goo in front of you. You've lost your appetite.

"Is there a place I can rest?" You ask. "I'm rather tired."

The others start.

"Of course, come with me." Allura helps you to the door and leads you down the hall.

You can feel the gazes of the others on you as you leave. You don't look back.

Red: A Keith x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now