Piece 15

797 21 0

(A/N: I really like this girls style in the picture above.  I imagine Cheryl wearing something like this.)

Cheryl's POV

I don't know what happened, everything happened in a second.  One second they were here looking sad and the next they were out the door back to god knows where. 

I tried calling Camille's phone but she hasn't answered all day.  Kimba and I just stayed at the diner all day, her working and me waiting for Camille.

There was 5 minutes til closing and there has been no sign of Camille.  That was until I heard the door bell ring, I saw Camille standing with a smile on her face.

"Hi!" She walked through the vacant diner, heading straight towards my open arms. 

"Hi!  Where have ya been?" I tried to pull away from the hug, but she held onto me tighter.  I looked down at her, she was me daughter.  I couldn't get over that.

"I've been super busy today, I have been doing a lot of...packing." I smiled at her with surprise.  She looked at the glass windows that overlook the diners parking lot.  I followed her eyes and saw Max standing by his car, a bunch of boxes in the back.


"Really." She looked at me with so much excitement in her eyes, I was finally able to start reading them.

"Dad just needs to drop them off at your house, there's no way it will fit in your car.  It's not much, Kimberley could tell you that."

"Kimberley could tell you what?" Kimberley appeared behind us, Camille gave her a hug and explained what was going on to us.

"My Dad wants me to be happy. He's wanted to help me find you for a long time, but he didn't want me to let go. I will still see him sometimes, whenever he's free from work. I don't know about my Mum, she's not too happy about it. When we got home she drove herself back to work, I guess it will always be more important. But it's fine, because now I'm with you guys! And hopefully your work won't be too important to forget about me." I looked at her with a frown, I have so much making up to do.

"Nothing will ever be more important than you, sweetheart. If it seems like that, I can always take off work. They don't need me here everyday." Kimberley wasn't just saying that either, she meant it. I want Camille to be hers just as much as she is mine. I want her to be ours.

"You don't have to do that for me." I could tell that Camille will never be vulnerable, she will always try to be strong.

"I don't have to, but I want to. We still have to get to know you more. But for now, let's get those boxes to the house, yeah?" Camille smiled as I walked her out to her Dad's car. Kimberley locked up the diner and made her way out over to us.

"Do you just want me to follow you guys?"

"Yeah, that sounds great! It isn't too far, I hope we haven't taken away your day." I knew how much Max loved his work.

"Of course not, anything for Camille. I'll be right behind you!"

"I'll come with you." Camille offered to drive with her Dad. To be honest, I got a little jealous that she wanted to be with him than us. But she was leaving him to come with us, I had to reassure that Camille loved us - at least a little bit. I understand that it will take time.

"No go on, I'll be fine on my own."

"No, Dad. I want to go with you."

"Okay, sport."

Camille's POV

The drive to Kimberley and Cheryl's house wasn't silent, it was filled with laughter and smiles. We were talking like we have just met for the first time. It was fun to see this side of my Dad, the side I always wanted to see. But it was too late now, he couldn't take it back.

"So how did you even find Kimberley's diner?" I knew I would have to explain everything at some point. I didn't want to cry, I couldn't take any more tears.

"One day I grabbed my bike and just left to nowhere. I was lost for awhile until I noticed that we had passed it a couple times on our way home. I figured I was close to home so I decided to stop there because I was hungry. I wanted to see what all the buzz was about, it's always busy. I was walking into the diner and I ran into Kimberley, I had noticed who she was and we just ended up talking." My Dad smiled at me and put his focus back on the road.

"They seem like lovely people.  Kimberley is quite quiet, though.  I don't think I've heard her talk since I met her." I laughed at his comments about Kimberley, she definitely wasn't a quiet person.  She's pretty chatty sometimes.

"Yeah, I think she just wants to give you and Mum your space.  It's not really her place to talk.  You know?" Dad looked at me with confusion, like he had a question but he was afraid to ask.

"Go on, ask your question." I knew my Dad too well.

"What-how did you know?" He looked shocked that I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I know you and Mum very well.  When I was a kid I made sure to pay attention to everything you did, I wanted to be just like Mum.  I wanted to have everything she had, in my mind she was the perfect woman.  Her life was perfect." He was a little taken aback by my confession.  It was true, I used to want everything Mum had in my future.

"Why do you say that?"

"I know that nothing is perfect, but Mum always wanted me to be perfect.  She always wanted me to be a woman at such a young age, which scared me.  She wanted me to be someone I'm not.  I'm a childish teen, I don't act my age.  I say that in the best way possible.  I like to have fun and laugh all the time, being serious all the time is no fun.  But that's the visual Mum had in my head, everything was business." Dad was taking in all my confessions.  We were almost to Kimberly and Cheryl's house, so I had to admit them before she left.  I didn't want Kimberley and Cheryl to hear all these confessions escaping my mind.

"Sport, nothing is more perfect than you.  I'm sorry your Mum is mad at you, I will talk to her.  Okay?" I just nodded, I didn't feel like speaking to my Mother again, she was being so uptight.  Nothing's new.

"Will I still get to see you?"

"Of course.  You can always come to me, Camille." I knew he was just saying what I wanted to hear.  I could hear all the sadness and anger in his voice, but he wasn't letting it out on me.  Not yet at least.

"There it is." I pointed to Kimberley and Cheryl's castle of a house.

"Looks like you'll be living the life." I laughed at Dads comments, I've never laughed so much with him before.  It was all new and now that it was happening, I was going to be gone.  Am I making a mistake?  Should I stay or should I go?

I shook the bad thoughts out of my head as we pulled up behind Kimberley's car.  I got out and locked eyes with Cheryl, she could sense my uneasiness.  She was learning my body language and facial expression quickly, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Hey, you okay?" Cheryl walked over to me, helping with some of the boxes in my Dad's boot.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Cheryl didn't let go of the situation, I know it will come up later.  She kept her mouth closed for now, thank god.

"Well that's all of them, I guess we should start carrying them up." I nodded at Dad as I showed him to the yellow room.  I could have picked the farthest bedroom from Cheryl and Kimberley, I've always enjoyed privacy.  But I wanted to be close, I needed to be close.  I don't know why I've suddenly craved Kimberley and Cheryl's hugs, kisses, and presence.

"Hey, sport I gotta go!" I was snapped back to reality by my Dad waving me off.  I pulled him into an unexpected hug.  He left my arms and was off back to home, well his home.  This was my new home, this is my home.

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