Piece 106

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Author's POV

"Last day of the ocean!" Camille sighed as she sat down on the sandy beach. Cheryl and Kimberley sat on either side of her, letting their skin soak up the heat of the sun.

"I'm going to miss it," Kimberley whined as she looked out at the water, never wanting to take her eyes off of it. London is great but they can never relax like this in London.

"But we're going to Paris!" Cheryl cheered and smiled at her two girls. They all agreed that their holiday isn't over and they won't even be home when they get back to England. Christmas Eve Eve at the Walsh's and Christmas Eve at the Tweedy's.

"Mam," Camille got her mother's attention "Will granddad be with us on Christmas Eve?" Camille asked and Cheryl frowned at the question.

"No, baby, me Mam and Dad don't talk anymore." Cheryl kept her frown on and wished that her family wasn't split like it is.

"Will we be able to visit him?" Camille asked, wanting to see her grandfather again. They never got to speak after the big fight at dinner.

"Yeah, we can," Cheryl responded and kissed her daughter's cheek. She got a slight taste of suncream from Camille's cheek and laughed to herself.

The girls stayed on the shore, tanning their pale, England skin. Camille was getting super dark, reminding her of how tan her skin used to be when she was a child. She flashbacked to when she and Cameron put stickers on their skin to make a tan tattoo.

Leaving tomorrow morning will be one of the hardest things Camille's ever had to do. It's like she'll be grieving the loss of people that are still alive.


"Mamma, stop!" Camille cried out as Cheryl attempted to put a bit of gelato on her nose. The teen giggled with her parents and felt Cheryl kiss her cheek. They are currently sitting at the little outside ice cream shop, eating gelato and sharing giggles.

"Camille-" Stan appeared at the family's picnic table and caught the teen's attention. He gestured for her to come over and talk with him for a minute. Without hesitation, Camille followed him, excusing herself.

"Leaving tomorrow, huh?" Stan asked as they sat down at another table. He wanted to have a serious discussion with the teen, not knowing when he'll see her again.

"Yeah." Camille frowned and wished she didn't have to leave everyone for the second time in her life.

"Vivez-vous la vie que vous voulez? (Are you living the life you want?)" Stan wondered, only wanting the best for her.

"Oui. (Yes.)" Camille confidently responded.

"Eh bien, je suis content. Promets-moi que tu prendras soin de tes mères. (Well, I'm happy. Promise me that you will take care of your mothers'.)"

"Je promets. (I promise.)" Camille responded and looked over at Cheryl and Kimberley laughing to themselves. She smiled towards them and realized that Stan sees exactly what she sees in them - genuine love.

"Avez-vous quelqu'un comme moi là-bas? (Do you have someone like me out there?)" Stan asked but made sure not to sound too selfish. He just wants to make sure that someone similar to him has her back the same way he does.

"Voulez-vous dire une âme sage? (Do you mean a wise soul?)" Camille giggled to herself and looked up at the older man's big, blue eyes.

"Oui. (Yes.)" Stan smiled, now realizing what Camille sees in him.

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