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Camille's POV

Last night I locked myself in my room. With Mum and Mam fighting and me and Capron falling apart, life isn't too great. I tried to get Mam to explain what happened, but she said I had no reason to worry.  I basically scoffed at her and ran upstairs.  I didn't come down for dinner and cried myself to sleep, just like old times.

That brings me to now.  Where I somehow got myself up this morning, ignored Mum's nagging in the car, and found myself sitting in Ms. Graham's class.  Everything is a blur.

"Now, class you can all turn in your essay.  I hope you all did it and I can give you an easy starting grade to this semester.  Pass all your papers to the front!" Ms. Graham instructed the class as we all handed our papers in.  Right now, I don't like the looks of my paper.  It's probably shite and doesn't even express my current mood correctly.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" A worried Valerie asked me as she eyed the bags under my eyes.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I abruptly said, sounding like a complete bitch.  I think she got the point, cause she didn't talk to me for the rest of class.

"Hey, if this is about what I said-" Valerie began as we walked down the corridor, but I was quick to cut her off.

"No, I'm glad you told me.  I would still be foolishly in love with him if you hadn't.  Even though I wish I still did like him, I can't.  There's just some stuff going on right now." I mumbled the last part, telling her that it's a private subject.

"Maybe we can go to lunch, then skip third and fourth?" Valerie suggested as she tried to bring out the bad girl in me.  I smiled at her and nodded, what do I have to lose?

"I'll meet you at the car." She winked at me and walked in another direction.  Usually I would never do such a thing, but I can't be here right now.  I don't know what's going on with me, but I feel really anxious today.

I walked to my second period, which is Musical History.  It's a boring subject, but I keep myself occupied with another new friend of mine.

"Hey, prince B." I greeted my newest gay best friend, Beau. 


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Beau.  Beau has a special aura about him.  Not only does he have the most amazing sense of style, but he's got all the hot gossip.  He's very 'cliche gay boy', but I love him for it.  To be fair, it's very cliche for me to be friends with him since I have two mothers.  Anyways, he's got gorgeous eyes that never lie.  Trust me, when we first met, he told me that my curled hair didn't match my outfit.  I didn't even know that was possible.

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