Piece 95

365 24 7

(A/N: I love this picture of Kimba!)

Author's POV

"I don't understand what's wrong with me!" Camille sighed loudly as she messed up her piano chords again. Cheryl, who was watching her daughter, frowned at the teen's frustration.

"Baby, stop being angry and frustrated. It's not helping you anymore, bubba." Cheryl spoke sweetly to her daughter, wanting her to calm down.

"Mam, I can't do this." Camille moaned and Cheryl knew that her daughter was close to giving up for the day. They had been sat in the piano room for a few hours, striving to make Camille's Winter Showcase performance perfect.

"Calm down and try again, sweetheart," Cheryl said as she sat on the windowsill seat and waited for Camille to start again.

The melody began as Camille pressed the keys and sang the lyrics. She got about halfway through the song before she missed a note again and stopped, feeling useless.

"I can't get it right!" Camille's voice was laced with stress and anger and it was obvious to Cheryl.

"C'mere," Cheryl said before walking over to her daughter and holding her arms out "You need to settle down...I can feel your heart beating." The mother smiled down at her daughter but was hiding her worry.

"I just know I can do better-" Cheryl heard Camille mutter against her chest. She can hear the disappointment that Camille is feeling towards herself.

"But you haven't finished." Cheryl said with a slight giggle as she stepped away from the hug and held her daughter's shoulder "How can you have done better if you haven't even finished?" Cheryl asked and looked at the tears dripping down Camille's cheek.

"Hm?" Cheryl hummed, wanting a response from her "Right?" She asked and Camille nodded.

"Do you want another hug?" The mother got a small nod as a response, getting her to embrace her daughter once again. When the hug broke, she pulled back and took a good look at the teen.

"Just know that when you actually perform, I'll be in the audience. All you'll have to do is look out at us and trust me eyes. I'll be your safety." She gently took Camille's face in her hands and placed kisses wherever her lips could touch.

"You want to take a break?" Cheryl asked and Camille nodded.

"We'll come back to it?" The teen asked and Cheryl smiled at the encouragement back in her eyes.

"Yeah," Cheryl smiled as she stroked Camille's hair and tucked a loose strand behind her ear "C'mon, baby." The mother walked her daughter downstairs and into the kitchen.

"I'll make you some lunch." Cheryl had Camille sit down on the kitchen counter and watch her make a sandwich for her. The mother knows the teen is completely capable to make her own lunch but wants to baby her until she physically can't anymore.

"I have a secret..." Camille cutely said and looked at her Mam's chocolate brown eyes.

"Do tell," Cheryl responded with a giggle as she watched her daughter beckon her over. The teen leaned into her mother and put her hands over Cheryl's ear, covering her mouth.

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